Brianah Caplan First Album Recording

$4,316   raised
GOAL: $10,000



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Hi friends! My name is Brianah Caplan and I’m a Jewish musician, songleader, and singer-songwriter based out of San Diego, CA. I am a full-time student at San Diego State University, but I spend my free time making “Meaningful Musical Moments” with kids and adults from all over. For the past 5 years, ever since I picked up a guitar for the first time, I’ve been inspired by those around me to continue making music and bringing people together with the power of song and prayer. My ultimate goal in life is to go to Rabbinical School and bring the power of music into my work as a Rabbi, but I’m not rushing it!

Since venturing out into the world of Jewish Music, I’ve also ventured into the world of writing my own, inspired by the texts that I grew up surrounded by. And now, with your help, I have the opportunity to make these melodies come to life! From Torah, to Psalms, to even the words of Rav Avraham Yisrael Kook, each melody has it’s own story and meaning to me. I feel deeply connected to each melody and text in their own unique ways.

For this project, I will be working with the incredible Scott Leader at Brick Road Studio in Scottsdale this summer. Scott has produced over 500 albums, many of them from Jewish Artists, and I am so lucky to be able to do this with him. The tracks will include some incredible musicians, and all the mixing and mastering will be done by Scott himself.

So, how do we do it?

Our goal is to come out of this with a finished and polished album, ready for everyone’s ears. That’s 10 songs of original Jewish Music! Each song costs about $1,000 to record, mix, and master.

I would love to share all of this music with you, but I can’t do it alone. This music means so much to me — it’s from the heart, it’s raw, and it’s inspired by each and every one of you. Thank you so much in advance for helping me achieve my dream of bringing the Jewish Community together through song and prayer. Your love and support will help us bring this album to life.

Please spread the word and share with anyone who you think may be interested.

I can’t wait to sing with you!

B’ahava (with love),
Brianah Caplan

See below for the variety of places Brianah has formed community through song:

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This campaign is currently closed.
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Anonymous donor
Elisa and Rick Recht
"We are so very proud of you and love you to bits!"
The Jankowitz Family
"So proud of you, you are awesome! .xoxo"
Sam Blustin
"Can't wait to hear this music!"
Josh Warshawsky
"Mazel Tov and B'hatzlachah!"
Edden Dembsky
"SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! can’t wait to hear it!"
Golub Family
The Landays
"Make all your dreams come true Bri!!"
Happie Hoffman
"So proud of you and everything that you have done and everything that you will do! Sending you so much love and warmth and cannot wait to hear! Sending so much love to you, Bri!"
Yosef Goldman
Jeff Dorn
"Proud of you!"
Anonymous donor
Joe Buchanan
Michael and JAke Arnold
"Do good stuff! Be strong!"
Meghan Dorn & Joshua Jalowiec
"We are so proud of you, Bri! Still remember when we asked you: if you could have or do anything in the world with zero fear or challenges, you said “record an album.” We can’t wait to hear the final product! Love, Meggers & Josh"
Tina (Bubbee) and Murray (Zayde) Weisscant
"Can’t wait to have you come to us on a Friday night for an “evening of singing.” (Like we don’t get that anyway!!)"
Cantor Seth Ettinger
"Mazel Tov! I look forward to hearing your album upon its completion!"
AJ Frost
Rabbi Caplan Or Tzion Rabbinic Discretionary Fund
"Brianah, We are so proud of you and all that you are setting out to accomplish. May your music bring everyone to a higher and godlier place. Yasher Koah!"
Alison & Michael Feinberg
"The world needs a new Yad b’yad! Go Briannah!!"
Doug & Rachel Passon
"Can't wait to hear the record. Rock on!!!"
Alan Alpert
Zadel Strichartz
"Good Luck on your album."
Naomi Ackerman
"so proud of you !Can't wait for the final product i know its going to be beautiful !"
gary and pat friedlander
Curt and Tracy Rosnerwhat an exciting
"What an exciting project!! Wishing you great success!"
Denise Israel
"Kol Hakavod! Yasher Koach!"
Toby & Dan Fox
"Wishing you nothing but success!"
Rabbi Mark Kula
"Dear Brianah, You are the best! I am so proud of you! Let me know about all of the awesome things you do. Love always, Rabbi Cantor Kula"
Grandma and Grandpa
"We are so proud of you. You are an amazing young lady and we can't wait to hear your record"
"Wishing you lots of luck! Looking forward to helping you promote on Jew PHX!"
Alicia Cohen Kraus
Karmi Monsher
Anonymous donor
Todd Herzog
Andi Minkoff
"Thanks for the kind words about Sherman!"
Melissa Berman
"Proud of you! Get it, girl!"
Anonymous donor
"Best of luck...we are so proud of you!"
The Green Family
"So proud of you!!! Can’t wait to hear the album!"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Rabbi Gary Oren
Marcia & Bob Weingarten
"Blessings and good wishes as you share your gift of music! Have fun!"
Anonymous donor
"You rock, dear one!! <3 <3"
Pat and William Berman
"Very excited about this!"
"So proud of you!!! Here’s to some amazing music!!!!"
Ira Dounn & Shaina Ward
"Wishing you great success and continued inspiration, Bri. Thanks for sharing your voice and your talent with us!"
Hana and Frank Lange
Sara Fleischer
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
The Shoulson-Sokoloff Family
"So happy to support you, Brianah! Can't wait to hear the music!"
"Brianah Caplan Rocks!"
Chava Mirel
"So excited for these beautiful songs to be recorded!!!"
Myra Shindler
Anonymous donor
"Can't wait to see your name in lights!"
Anonymous donor
"Congratulations and Good Luck!"
Debbie and Michael Troner
"We’re so proud of you, Brianah! Wishing you much mazal with this exciting endeavor and all your future ones! With love, Debbie and Michael"
Judi Gottschalk
Scott and Tamar Sternfeld
"So proud of you Bri!"
Jessica Schwartz
"Good Luck! :)"
Yale Strom
"Mit mazl un khatslokhes!"
Rabbi Mark and Fredda Bisman
Virginie & Jeremy Polster
Rabbi Emily Hyatt
"Good Luck!!!!"
The Naftalin Family
"Wishing you all the best on this amazing journey. We are so proud of you!"
Molly Williams
"So proud of you!"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor

This campaign deals with:

Film & Music | Jewish Communities

Brianah Caplan First Album Recording

$4,316   raised
GOAL: $10,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Brianah Caplan

Brianah Caplan is a Jewish songwriter & songleader originally from Scottsdale AZ who is working to build Jewish Communities through song and prayer. Currently based out of San Diego, Brianah is the songleader at Congregation Beth Israel in La Jolla. She has also lead song at Limmud AZ, Congregation Or Tzion, Desert Gathering Jewish Music Fest, BBYO International, Hillel of San Diego, March of the Living, and currently spends her summers on Music Staff at Camp Ramah in California. Brianah is currently a student at San Diego State University, and hopes to continue her education in Rabbinical School after graduation.

  • The Chai Package
    19 claimed

    Receive a Facebook shoutout as well as a digital copy of the entire album upon completion.

  • The Double Chai Package
    29 claimed

    Receive a Facebook shoutout, a digital copy and 1 signed CD copy of the entire album upon completion.

  • The Triple Chai Package
    6 claimed

    Receive a Facebook shoutout, a digital copy and 3 signed CD copies of the album upon completion.

  • The "Special Thanks" Package
    4 claimed

    Receive a Facebook shoutout, a digital copy and 3 signed CD copies of the album upon completion, as well as have your name appear in the "Special Thanks" section on the liner notes of the album.

  • The KabShab Package
    1 claimed out of 7 available

    Receive a Facebook shoutout, a digital copy and 3 signed CD copies of the album upon completion, have your name appear in the "Special Thanks" section on the liner notes of the album, as well as have Brianah come to your community or home for a Friday night full of singing, praying, celebrating, and "shabbosing". (travel not included)

  • The Sponsor-a-Track Package
    0 claimed out of 3 available

    Receive a Facebook shoutout, a digital copy and 3 signed CD copies of the album upon completion, have your name appear in the "Special Thanks" section on the liner notes of the album, and become a sponsor or cosponsor for a track on the album. In conversation with Brianah, you will choose a track to sponsor, and your name or dedication will appear below the track title in the album liner notes. This perk can be claimed by an individual, a group, a synagogue, or any combination of people.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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