Israel Advocacy Force

$1,000   raised
GOAL: $50,000

23 days to go



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The Israel Advocacy Force (IAF) is dedicated to promoting Israel’s right to exist, combating antisemitism, and advocating for the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Our mission is to dispel misinformation, counter antisemitic narratives, and foster global support for Israel.

Our charitable purpose is focused on:Advocacy: We empower and collaborate with non-Israeli and non-Jewish voices who are perceived as unbiased and more credible in the global arena. Our aim is to undermine the veil of lies propagated by the jihadist propaganda machine. By partnering with these trusted voices, we create a powerful counter-narrative that resonates with diverse audiences worldwide.

To achieve this, we are building a new mechanism that:

1. Exposes the truth about Israel, its right to exist, and the challenges it faces.
2. Disseminates this truth in multiple languages, ensuring cultural sensitivity and relevance.
3. Leverages the credibility of non-Israeli advocates to amplify our message and reach audiences that might be skeptical of direct Israeli advocacy.

This approach allows us to effectively combat antisemitism, support Israel’s right to exist, and promote a fact-based understanding of the complexities of the Middle East situation. By working through respected, non-Israeli voices, we can penetrate echo chambers and reach individuals who might otherwise be unreceptive to pro-Israel messages.

The impact of our work will be measured by:

Increased global awareness of Israel’s right to exist and the Jewish people’s connection to their homeland
Reduced spread of antisemitic and anti-Israel misinformation
Growth in cross-cultural support for Israel
Empowerment of moderate voices in communities vulnerable to antisemitic influence

Your Donation at Work: Funding Breakdown:

Distribution – 50%
Maximizing our reach is a top priority. Half of our resources will go towards ensuring our content is distributed effectively through both viral and paid channels. Sponsored articles, social media promotions, and collaborations with our network of ambassadors will allow us to extend our impact and counter misinformation about Israel on a global scale.

Content Creation – 30%
Our “ammunition factory” is where powerful, culturally-relevant content is developed. This includes multilingual content writers, editors, message bank developers, and a visual production team. This content is designed to resonate with diverse audiences and promote the truth about Israel.

Marketing & PR – 10%
Public relations and targeted advertising play a crucial role in spreading our message further and recruiting more influential ambassadors. By leveraging these tools, we can broaden our reach and strengthen our position.

Business Development – 8%
As an umbrella organization, we prioritize building and maintaining strong partnerships with other organizations to ensure continuous growth and collaboration. By developing strategic alliances and cooperative efforts, we create a sustainable operational model that supports our mission without relying solely on donations. These partnerships also allow us to expand our reach and strengthen our impact on a global scale.

Operations – 2%
We keep operational expenses to a minimum, relying heavily on volunteers. Essential costs such as office management, mailing systems, accounting, legal consulting, branding, and website maintenance are carefully managed to ensure efficiency.

Sustaining Our Mission
With $50,000, we can fully operate for six weeks, driving our content distribution, creation, and partnerships to make a tangible impact. To ensure the continuity of this vital work, a contribution of $200,000 would support our operations for at least six months. This extended period of activity allows us to scale our efforts, solidify our influence, and make meaningful progress in the fight for truth and advocacy for Israel

By supporting our campaign, donors will contribute to a more informed and supportive global environment for Israel and the Jewish people, fostering understanding of Israel’s challenges and achievements, and actively countering antisemitism worldwide.

Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Israel Advocacy Force

$1,000   raised
GOAL: $50,000

23 days to go



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Campaign by
Ariel Averbuch – Founder & Chairman

An attorney at law with a Master’s in Business Administration, Ariel is the founder and chairman of our organization. In addition to leading a business consulting firm specializing in digital marketing, Ariel serves as a major in the IDF Medical Corps. Ariel's leadership and vision drive our mission forward, bringing strategic expertise and dedication to the cause.

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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
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    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

  • Contribution to Advance the Israel Advocacy Force
    0 claimed out of 10 available

    Be part of the crucial fight to spread truth worldwide

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