Note: this is a preview to check out how the campaign will look like. The campaign has not started yet nor has been published!

Ammaros Soy Candles

$0   raised
GOAL: $3,500



Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Short Summary

My name is Miri and my daughter’s name is Reut and we are the creators of Ammaros.

Our campaign’s goal is to give Ammaros the capital it needs to market itself more efficiently both in the real world and in the digital one. In the year and a half Ammaros has been in existence, we have been using our own money to fund research, development, testing, branding and marketing the final product. As long as there is not enough exposure to Ammaros, the brand would not be able to grow and fulfil its full potential.

Contributing to our campaign will give Ammaros a standing chance in the marketing world and would mean a lot to myself personally considering I have invested so much from my own money in this product. The people who did and do buy this product are the ones who were aware of it due to our limited previous marketing campaigns.


What We Need & What You Get

Funding from our campaign will go straight to marketing both in the real and the digital world. We do have social media pages (Facebook, Instagram) and an active account in Google but we need more than that in order to rise up into mainstream media.

Besides being environmentally friendly, our candles come with a gift! A surprise jewelry that worth’s from one to about 300$!
If the funds don’t reach our entire goal, they still go to marketing


The Impact


Our project is valuable to us and to the world. Soy candles are a significant player in the scene of Eco friendly commodities and by that a major contributor to the awareness of environmental care. And just like any other project or an idea, if it comes with an added value packed in a different, original and neat packaging, the aforementioned effects would be even greater.
Ammaros has been on the market for a year and a half now and some awareness to the product has been made. The people who purchased the products were thrilled with the original idea and some became returning costumers.
We are anxious to get Ammaros to the mainstream here in Israel and then beyond. We believe in our product, in the brand and in the possibility of appeal it would have by people around the world. We can’t wait to impact people’s lives for the better and bring some of our light into their lives and make a change, a good change.
Our goal is to make Ammaros a leading brand of eco-friendly high-quality gifts for people all around the world. We want people to use Ammaros’s products to contribute to their special events in life and magnify what ever positive effect they had intended to create in the originally.

Risks & Challenges.

As a business owner with a limited amount of resources to my disposal I have managed to lift the Ammaros brand to a decent level considering my own personal schedule which includes a 9:00-17:00 job and a family to take care of (whoever thinks doing these two at the same time is an easy task either doesn’t have a family or doesn’t know what they talk about).
Performing the initial research was the hardest part and involved a lot of web browsing, noting, data and metadata crossing and trial and error. The pinnacle of it was a lonely trip to China to inspect soy and other ingredients I needed to complete a final prototype. The trip put myself and my family into a lot of stress since I have never done something like that before.
In terms of risks that are involved in raising Ammaros up, I believe they are worthy of mentioning but yet are not looming. People buy candles, people love candles, always did and always will. Ammaros brings them a healthier version of the candles they buy usually along with a neat surprise. The brand’s name, the Eco-friendly feature and the surprise it contains makes Ammaros stand out amongst all other candles manufacturers. And soon enough, buying an Ammaros candle would be considered buying a luxury product.

Other Ways You Can Help

Tell your friends, you family, your co-workers even your shop keepers about Ammaros! Tell them we are here and we are on the way up!

Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Arts, Books & Culture | Health & Wellness

Ammaros Soy Candles

$0   raised
GOAL: $3,500



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Ammaros - Ecological Soy Candles
Tel Aviv District, Israel

My name is Miri and my daughter’s name is Reut and together we created Ammaros. I have been a working as a teacher in Israel for 25 years before i had to retire work due to medical reasons. Reut is 21 years old and is a very creative woman who really wants to express her skills to the world. While being at home Reut and i were thinking about an idea that would bring a healthy light into people's lives in Israel. We named the idea Ammaros :)

  • Another Step Forward
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    Another step forward for Ammaros to get to its goal

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