3 Stars in the Sky…
My name is Andrew Goldstein, and my project is to record my debut EP album featuring some of my original settings for the Shabbat liturgy. I am a 13-year old singer/songwriter from McKinney, TX and I have been writing original music since I was 10 years old and am super excited to share my music with the Jewish world. I was introduced to the world of Jewish music through my dad, Jonathan Goldstein, who is a Cantorial Soloist and Music Director at Adat Chaverim in Plano, TX.
Through watching my dad, I was inspired to learn guitar myself and also study voice, which I was blessed to do at The Guitar Sanctuary Performing Arts Academy in McKinney.
In 2015, I went to my first national Jewish music conference by attending Songleader Boot Camp in St. Louis, MO.
At SBLC, I was very fortunate to meet many inspiring artists like Rick Recht, Saul Kaye, Joe Buchanan, Sheldon Low, Billy Jonas and Mikey Pauker. Through their mentorship and guidance, I have continued writing new melodies and exploring the Shabbat liturgy. I have also performed whenever I can at Jewish summer camps like Camp Hess Kramer and Greene Family Camp as well as at local venues during the school year.
During this last year, I have written and shared other settings for the Shabbat liturgy with my congregation. It has been so great to try new things on a local level, but now I am ready to widen the audience and share my music with the world!
But, I can’t do it alone. I’m going to need your help!
Goals for this Project:
I have really two main goals for this project:
- First, I want to create an enduring EP that shows my love of Judaism, music and provides clergy and teen groups with contemporary settings for the Shabbat liturgy.
- Second, I hope that by creating my first album, I can inspire other Jewish teens to share their music and help create the next generation of Jewish music
What Will You Do with the Money?
Making an album these days is a huge undertaking. I am working with the extremely talented musician, Josh Goldberg to record, produce, and mix my album. It is going to require a lot of studio time to record at least 6 songs. In addition to Josh, I’ll be working with a variety of musicians, singers, producers, mixers, and editors throughout the process that all need to be paid. Then, the album needs to be mastered to yield the best version of each song. I will also use some of the funds to design a cover and actually make the CDs. All of the funds raised will go towards completing this project. With your help, I can turn a dream that I have had for so long into a reality. Thank you so much for your support.
Ways to Get Involved:
There are two major ways you can join me in this exciting work and earn exclusive rewards and performances:
Publicity: Join the campaign – use email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to tell everyone you know! Be my ambassador and help get the word out to your friends and community members!
Contributions: Every little bit helps! I am setting a goal of $12,000 for this album!