Three Stars in the Sky… Andrew Goldstein’s Debut Album

$2,984   raised
GOAL: $12,000



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This campaign is currently closed.

3 Stars in the Sky…

My name is Andrew Goldstein, and my project is to record my debut EP album featuring some of my original settings for the Shabbat liturgy.  I am a 13-year old singer/songwriter from McKinney, TX and I have been writing original music since I was 10 years old and am super excited to share my music with the Jewish world.  I was introduced to the world of Jewish music through my dad, Jonathan Goldstein, who is a Cantorial Soloist and Music Director at Adat Chaverim in Plano, TX.


Through watching  my dad, I was inspired to learn guitar myself and also study voice, which I was blessed to do at The Guitar Sanctuary Performing Arts Academy in McKinney.

In 2015, I went to my first national Jewish music conference by attending Songleader Boot Camp in St. Louis, MO.


At SBLC, I was very fortunate to meet many inspiring artists like Rick Recht, Saul Kaye, Joe Buchanan, Sheldon Low, Billy Jonas and Mikey Pauker.  Through their mentorship and guidance, I have continued writing new melodies and exploring the Shabbat liturgy.  I have also performed whenever I can at Jewish summer camps like Camp Hess Kramer and Greene Family Camp as well as at local venues during the school year.

During this last year, I have written and shared other settings for the Shabbat liturgy with my congregation.  It has been so great to try new things on a local level, but now I am ready to widen the audience and share my music with the world!


But, I can’t do it alone.  I’m going to need your help!

Goals for this Project:

I have really two main goals for this project:

  • First, I want to create an enduring EP that shows my love of Judaism, music and provides clergy and teen groups with contemporary settings for the Shabbat liturgy.
  • Second, I hope that by creating my first album,  I can inspire other Jewish teens to share their music and help create the next generation of Jewish music

What Will You Do with the Money?

Making an album these days is a huge undertaking. I am working with the extremely talented musician, Josh Goldberg to record, produce, and mix my album. It is going to require a lot of studio time to record at least 6 songs. In addition to Josh, I’ll be working with a variety of musicians, singers, producers, mixers, and editors throughout the process that all need to be paid. Then, the album needs to be mastered to yield the best version of each song. I will also use some of the funds to design a cover and actually make the CDs. All of the funds raised will go towards completing this project. With your help, I can turn a dream that I have had for so long into a reality. Thank you so much for your support.

Ways to Get Involved:

There are two major ways you can join me in this exciting work and earn exclusive rewards and performances:

Publicity: Join the campaign – use email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to tell everyone you know! Be my ambassador and help get the word out to your friends and community members!

Contributions: Every little bit helps! I am setting a goal of $12,000 for this album!

Support this cause and make a difference

This campaign is currently closed.

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Emily Resnick
"CONGRATULATIONS on releasing your album Andrew!! I couldn't be prouder of you for following your dreams :) Your future is so bright, and I can't wait to see where it takes you! Cheering you on always, Em Rez (p.s. I miss your amazing self and "
Jodi Weiss
"So proud of you Andrew!!!"
Miss Tiffany
"Keep following your dreams!"
The Klein Family - David, Valerie, Eliana, Arielle and Maya
"Don't forget the Kleins when you are world famous!!"
Jamie and Michael Wolf
Anonymous donor
"Thanks for sharing your gifts with the world Andrew!"
Susan Shane Linder
Maxine Levy
Sibylle and Steve Jacobs
"All the very best"
Pedro Marzocca
"Best wishes, and great success with your project!"
Aaron Jurgensen
"Good luck!!"
Leisa Williams
"Andrew, you are such an amazing kid, and we are thrilled to support you on this journey!!!"
Robert luss
"Way to go"
Michael & Shari Barth
"Go Andrew!"
Anonymous donor
"Mazel Tov Andrew. I know you'll see many stars in the sky and reach for many!!! Love you."
Anonymous donor
Barbara & Stan Schwartz
"Way to go Andrew"
Anonymous donor
"Good Luck"
Cantor Yonah Kliger
Joe Buchanan
"Go, Andrew, go! So proud of the work you are doing."
The Ghose Family
"Congrats and good luck - you've got this!"
Anonymous donor
"We are so excited for Andrew and look forward to hearing this fantastic album!!"
Anonymous donor
Lori & Kevin Spinhirne
"We're so excited for you!"
Anonymous donor
Michael Young
"Very proud to know you..."
The Abraham Family
"So happy for you, Andrew! Lots of luck with your campaign!"
Abbie Strauss
"Happy to support such a talented artist!"
Faith & Jerry Retsky
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
"cannot wait to hear the music!!!!! Go Andrew!!!"
Dan Cohn
Susan Shane-Linder
"Good luck Andrew! I know you will be successful! You are so talented."
Scott Leader
"Cant wait to hear the new tunes!"
Marcia Weinstein & Family
"Andrew, I am so happy to help you with your campaign! Can't wait to hear the rest of the music and see you & your family at SLBC next year! Love, Marcia"
Cantor Alan Sokoloff
"I'm happy to make this donation in honor of a very special young man - Andrew Goldstein"
Jonathan Sauer
Molly Sauer
The Sauer Family
"Andrew - go get 'em!!!"
Veronica and Kevin
"Good luck Andrew - very proud of you for taking action to pursue your goals and dreams!"
Rick and Elisa Recht
Melanie Blatt
"Good luck, rock star!"
Samantha Thal
"Andrew, I can't wait to see all the great things you do! Keep up the great work and stay inspired!"
Laura Lenes
"Andrew, your music will touch the souls of many!"
Chris Reid
"Chase your passion, Andrew. Very proud to know you."
Susan Pearlman
Pearlman Family
"Good luck! Very excited!"
Marcy Yellin
Anonymous donor
Josh Warshawsky
"B'hatzlacha, Good luck Andrew! Can't wait to hear this amazing new music!"

This campaign deals with:

Education & Youth | Film & Music | Judaism & Holidays

Three Stars in the Sky… Andrew Goldstein’s Debut Album

$2,984   raised
GOAL: $12,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Andrew Goldstein Music

I am a 13-year old singer/songwriter from McKinney, TX. I started beatboxing at age 7 and started learning guitar at age 9. I wrote my first song at age 10, a setting for Mi Chamocha, which I debuted when I attended Songleader Boot Camp in 2015, for the first time. I have performed several of my originals at Camp Hess Kramer in Malibu, CA, Greene Family Camp and at my synagogue, Adat Chaverim in Plano, TX. I am also starting to explore other instruments such as percussion and piano.My first “rock” concert was a Rick Recht concert and I was quickly bitten by the Jewish Rock bug. Since then I have continued writing songs for the Shabbat liturgy and have been blessed to study under Rick Recht, Mikey Pauker and Joe Buchanan. My dream is to become a Jewish Rock Star!When I am not writing new music, I am busy finishing up my 7th grade year at Imagine International Academy of North Texas; an International Baccalaureate world school.

  • Pre-Release Access to the Album
    0 claimed

    Thank you for your support! For your donation, you will received: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky

  • Signed CD
    15 claimed

    Thank you for your support! For your donation, you will received: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD

  • Signed CD + Digital Songbook
    7 claimed

    Thank you for your support! For your donation, you will received: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album

  • Signed CD + Digital Songbook + Mention in the Liner Notes
    11 claimed

    Thank you for your support! For your donation, you will received: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - And honorable mention in the liner notes

  • Three Stars in the Sky VIP Access!!
    6 claimed

    Thank you for your support! For your donation, you will received: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - Honorable mention in the liner notes - VIP insider updates, pics, and videos throughout the project

  • Skype Lesson
    2 claimed

    Thank you for your support! How would you like to learn how to play my songs with a private lesson from yours truly! We'll set up a private Skype session where I'll teach you how to play the songs on the EP! For your donation, you'll also receive: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - Honorable mention in the liner notes - VIP insider updates, pics, and videos throughout the project

  • Dallas Area House Concert
    0 claimed

    Do you live in the Dallas area? Thank you so much for your support! Would you like to have Andrew come join your family and friends for a live in-home concert complete with songs from Three Stars in the Sky -- and maybe a few NEW songs that didn't make it on the album! I can also help you say goodbye to Shabbat once there are Three Stars in the Sky with a beautiful Havdallah service. You will also receive: For your donation, you'll also receive: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - A signed copy of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - Honorable mention in the liner notes - VIP insider updates, pics, and videos throughout the project

  • Sponsor A Track
    1 claimed

    Thank you so much for your support! For your donation, you will have the opportunity to sponsor or cosponsor a track on the album! Your name or dedication will appear below the track title in the the album liner notes. You will also receive: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - 5 signed copies of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - Honorable mention in the liner notes - VIP insider updates, pics, and videos throughout the project

  • Shabbat + House Concert
    0 claimed

    Wow! Thank you so much for your support and belief in this project. At this level, I will work with you and the clergy at your congregation to schedule a Shabbat where I can share my music with your community or create a unique and special experience at another location. You will also receive special mention on the liner notes of the CD and can also expect the following: - Pre-Release Access to Three Stars in the Sky - 5 signed copies of the CD - A digital PDF songbook of lead sheets (melody lines and chords) for all the songs from the album - VIP insider updates, pics, and videos throughout the project - And my eternal gratitude for supporting me in this project

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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