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Help us to keep Aberdeen Synagogue standing … literally.

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The Aberdeen Synagogue and Jewish Community Centre is a traditional granite building that dates from 18??.  It is located in a conservation area in the heart of the city, and its age and features mean it is also a Listed Building.  A few years ago a survey revealed that urgent structural repairs were needed to the back wall; but, just as we were about to begin work on this project, the community hall suffered a serious flooding that caused damage across three floors and rendered the shul unuseable for over a year.  Any finances we had, together with generous donations from all over the world, were used to make our shul habitable again; but now the state of the back wall has deteriorated further and is in serious danger of collapsing.  Please give whatever you can to make our building safe.  This synagogue serves community members across the whole of North East Scotland, organising a variety of events and welcoming Jewish visitors who travel here for both business and pleasure.  If we cannot make the building safe, it is possible we would have to close it down.  It is unlikely that our community would survive such a drastic change.

The total cost of the work to the damaged wall is £xx,000.  (more detail about finances here?)

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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Jewish Communities

Help us to keep Aberdeen Synagogue standing … literally.

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, United Kingdom

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