Avraham Zeev Fischer was born and raised in Bratislava, Slovakia. His grandmother was a survivor of Auschwitz and his grandfather was drafted into the Czechoslovakian army in England, during the war. Avraham came back to Yiddishkeit in his middle-aged years. He always knew that he wanted to live as a Jew in Eretz Yisrael.
Avraham actualized that dream, when he made Aliya in about 2017. His 8 year old son, Thomas (with his mother’s permission soon followed). Thomas enrolled at a school in the Old City and is thriving.
Avraham has built his new life in the Old City, where he is also a Talmid in Yeshivas Rabbi Akiva, under the auspices of the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shalom Gold. He works in a restaurant and in odd jobs to sustain his family.
New circumstances have given hope to a situation which could have easily gone south. Avraham’s second son, Ronny (4) has the possibility of coming to Israel, also with his mother’s permission. This is step towards bringing the family together and helping them to build their lives in Israel. To make this a reality, Avraham needs a financial injection which will enable the family to make this transition.
This is an incredible opportunity to help Avraham and his kids establish themselves in a life, which otherwise may have easily floundered.