The Best Nursing Pillow- The Mommy Vicky Pillow- A nursing pillow that’s fit to all moms- Any size!

$0   raised
GOAL: $36,000



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My name is Meirav

Being a mother helped me develop many ideas and products for mothers and baby, the first product I developed was a nursing pillow, I called it the Mommy Vicky nursing & feeding pillow.

Like any mother who wants the best for her child, I knew that the best thing and the healthiest nutrition was breast feeding

Yet despite the entire natural activity, I suffered from back pain and shoulder. I used consultants, nurses and various pillows and nothing helped. I know that there are lots of women worldwide who suffer the same problem and yet still want to continue breastfeeding for long time with in a maximum comfortable.

I made a special custom design nursing pillow that I used my self & also with a little research that I made with some breastfeeding women I’ve improved it & listed it as a patent.

The Vicky pillow is simple to use, practical and suitable for breastfeeding everywhere

The Vicky pillow is the only nursing pillow that the mother doesn’t need to lean for her baby.

The Vicky Nursing Pillow Set is orthopedic; it gives maximum support to the mothers back, shoulders and elbows and of course the nursing baby.

One of the basic activities of our baby doing during his first year, but sleep is eat … our baby basic operations are eating, sleeping and toilet,
We are breastfeeding (or bottle-feed for that matter) averaged about four – four and a half hours a day – and to hold the baby for such a long time is not physically simple for the mother…
This is one of the reasons also that the Vicky pillow is no longer just an accessory product, or a convenient product but an essential product that is used to us and helps us many hours of the day.

Now what is so different and unique at the Vicky breast feeding and feeding pillow?

Ordinary nursing pillows are usually One size u shape and mothers are not one size mothers physically different in terms of height and weight and the distance between the chest to our laps is different, and most women need to lean over to their baby with the regular nursing pillow because of that, also the regular nursing pillow is laying on the moms laps and we don’t hold the baby in our laps- we hold it in our arms- our elbows and shoulders need more support as the Vicky pillow gives us.

So it is important that support for the mothers shoulders and hands will be comfortable and suitable for all moms.

The laying pillow is also feet to all size of belly after birth. It allows you to bring the baby close as you want to your chest.

Vicky Nursing Pillow is flexible and adjustable to all mothers’ size!

The back pillow helps babies’ avoid emit because of the gradient it has it can prevent babies from choking! The key to a marketing success for the Vicky breastfeeding pillow is marking the Vicky pillow as an essential product that is important to mothers after birth with benefits for both the mother and infant- a pillow that they must have!

Cause the duration of feeding the baby is about 4.5 hours per day and it is important that mothers would feel comfortable. Also with the knowledge that the more we Breastfeed our babies a longer period (since the mother does not feel the baby weight with the Vicky pillow), it becomes healthiest and stronger.
Our Target customers are mainly pregnant women or women after birth…

I want to expand the Vicky pillow marketing to Europe and the US.

Through distributors for babies’ product lidding stores, internet marketing & so on…

And also to develop more great products that will ease moms & their babies.


mommy vicky nursing pillow 1

Mommy Vicky pillow – closer & right up to your chest!


mommy vicky pillow2

The back pillow helps babies’ avoid emit because of the gradient it has it can prevent babies from choking!


כרית הנקה והריון ויקי 2.8

Mommy Vicky pillow is great for pregnant women – They can also lay on the back pillow with they’re hips up to help with lower back pains.




כרית הנקה ויקי גם לאבא

Mommy Vicky pillow- Dad likes it too!



כרית הנקה ויקי 1.3

Babies likes it too!  


כרית הנקה ויקי 1.1

All around comfort support for mom & baby !!

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This campaign deals with:


The Best Nursing Pillow- The Mommy Vicky Pillow- A nursing pillow that’s fit to all moms- Any size!

$0   raised
GOAL: $36,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Meirav- Owner at Mommy Vicky Ltd
Southern District, Israel

My name is Meirav, I am the mother of two adorable children & the owner of 'Mommy-vicky'. Being a mother helped me develop many ideas and products for mothers and baby. The first product I developed was a nursing pillow; I called it the ' Mommy Vicky' nursing & feeding pillow. Like any mother who wants the best for her child, I knew that the best thing and the healthiest nutrition was breast feeding. Yet despite the entire natural activity, I suffered from back and shoulder pains. I used consultants, nurses and various pillows and nothing helped. I know that there are a lot of women worldwide who suffer the same problem and yet still want to continue breastfeeding for long time with maximum amount of comfort. The key to a marketing success for the Vicky breastfeeding pillow is through distributors for babies' products leading stores, internet marketing – & so on... Labeling the Vicky pillow as an essential product that is important to mothers after birth with benefits for both the mother and infant- a pillow that they must have!

  • "...Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Sucklings Hast Thou Founded Strength.."
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