Bishvil ensures high school teens find fulfilling service projects so they make local impact on their communities and are inspired to continue volunteering. All together, millions of teens’ community service hours have the potential to bring about tremendous social change. A meaningful volunteering experience will empower students, while simultaneously providing a solution to many of our society’s needs. Bishvil programs:
- Serve 1,750 Jewish and Arab students in 14 high schools in Jerusalem (22 across Israel),
- Match Jewish and Arab university students with teens for mentorship experience,
- Inspire over 300,000 volunteer hours that positively impact Jerusalem communities,
- Teach teens about social issues in Jerusalem through immersion and exposure,
- And help teens find passions to pursue as volunteers throughout their lives.
Bishvil specifically engages teens in East Jerusalem, where there are fewer opportunities for youth enrichment and community engagement. The program plants seeds of service, partnership, and understanding in the next community leaders of Jerusalem.
Education: Organizations such as Bishvil provide multi-faceted education, which is Jerusalem’s most valuable strategic asset. Traditional education and complementary volunteer programs enhance learning and reverberate to impact the wider community. Education constitutes the primary engine for social mobility in the city and increasing diversity and pluralism.
Support Jerusalemite teen engagement in community service and Leichtag Foundation will match your gift dollar for dollar up to $3,600!