Big Questions, Real Answers!
Did G-d create Man, or did Man create G-d?
Why are we here, and where are we going?
Was the universe created top down, or bottom up?
What are the fundamentals it was built upon?
Does G-d need us? Does He change?
What is male / female all about?
Why is Shabbat so important?
Are science and religion incompatible?
Finally, an engaging, beautiful, thought provoking synthesis of music, art, video and narration that provides a uniquely Jewish approach to this all-important subject.
Tzfat: Mystic Creativity
When we moved to the ancient city of Tzfat two years ago, I discovered that what distinguished this amazing city are three things: Kabbalah, art and music. And I realized that all three are inextricably combined, because they’re all about seeing the truth behind reality, the part that isn’t covered by science and literal interpretations. And being a musician, artist and into Kabbalah, that fit me like a glove. That’s the synthesis I had been searching for.
Nekudah: Getting to the Point
I founded an organization called Nekudah Institute which is about getting to the inner point, the origin of everything, our souls and the Creation itself. I created a live multimedia presentation and DVD which combines music, art and Kabbalah to explore the concept of spiritual renewal, by discovering that inner point, and I’m presenting it here in Tzfat and G-d willing soon in the US.
I believe that, as Jews, we have to build a Jewish culture which looks Jewish, sounds Jewish and is Jewish, meaning it’s built on Jewish concepts and values, and expresses them in a way that is moving, powerful, unique and stands out from what everyone else is doing.
The Hidden Depths of the Creation
I’m going back to finish a project I started awhile ago: a multimedia presentation about the Creation. Based mainly on the celebrated classic mystical medrash Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer, it reveals the deepest insights and secrets of our tradition about the “why” of Creation, not just the “how.” It’s a subject that’s so desperately needed in this era of confusion about why we’re here, what is our destiny, what is life is all about? What could be more fundamental than the Creation itself? If we can’t understand it, can we understand anything else?
Together, we can embark on this amazing journey to discover not only our own roots, but the roots of existence itself, from the Torah’s perspective. And it’s an opportunity to clear up, once and for all, the major misconceptions which lead us to think Torah and science are inherently incompatible.
This grand undertaking unites mysticism, art and music to create something that is powerful, profound, and uplifting. Like our successful Nekudah project, it will take the form of a live presentation, DVD, and book. But a costly, time consuming effort like this can’t happen without your support. You have an historic opportunity to be part of a cultural and spiritual revolution, to explore essential subjects that are sorely neglected. And your contribution will have a direct effect on its quality, allowing us to afford higher quality videos and effects. Partner with us: let’s create a bond which will lead not only to this creation, but to many more fruitful collaborations in the future.