The Jewish Innovation
Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, tens of thousands of IDF soldiers have been on base without going home to replenish supplies. Now, as many of them have now entered Gaza, they’re really running low on daily needs. We hope to raise enough money to buy what the soldiers need and have a little extra for the things they want.
The Impact
As the Jewish People, we have a responsibility to help those who are risking their lives to protect the state of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai
What Will You Do with the Money?
There are soldiers that have been on base for over a month without going home. They are running low on basic amenities and we will use all the money raised to buy items like the ones listed below.
Bug spray
Shaving Cream & Razors
Laundry Detergent
In the event of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the campaign will still continue. All additional money donated after the ceasefire will still be used for supplies for the soldiers. Soldiers are constantly running low on basic amenities so all contributions will be put to good use.
Please share the campaign and help spread the word!
Thank You and Todah Rabba
*all photographs taken by Alexi J. Rosenfeld
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