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Eltechs ExaGear Desktop virtual machine and an emulator for ARM devcies

$0   raised
GOAL: $1,000



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Eltechs, Inc. is a young high-tech software startup.

Our goal is to create products of excellent technical quality that can affect the landscape of IT industry as a whole. To achieve this we use the best practices of software development.

Our project is a binary translator that runs applications for the conventional “desktop” and server x86 processors on energy-efficient ARM CPU without recompilation. The demand for this product emerges along with ARM-based server market. Currently this market uses open-source software. On the other hand, proprietary server software has been developed and compiled for the x86 architecture and thus cannot be used on ARM-based servers.

Our market includes cloud services, data centers and clusters, which are based on the newest ARM servers.

Eltechs, Inc. became a resident of Innovation Fund “Skolkovo”. Research is carried by “Eltechs, Inc.” with grant support of “Skolkovo” Foundation. Project is also supported by ARM Holdings.

To get more info on what we are doing, visit our Eltechs Home Page 

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Eltechs ExaGear Desktop virtual machine and an emulator for ARM devcies

$0   raised
GOAL: $1,000



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Eltechs ExaGear Desktop virtual machine and an emulator for ARM devcies

Our goal is to create products of excellent technical quality that can affect the landscape of IT industry as a whole. To achieve this we use the best practices of software development.

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