Empower Jewish Women through Body Positive Fitness (DVD)

$1,816   raised
GOAL: $18,000



Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.

Exercise should be about learning what feels good for your body, about discovering how much stronger and more energetic you can be and about finding the joy in movement.

But for so many of us, it’s not. And you can change that.

The Challenge

In a world that’s constantly urging us to pursue thinness, often unrealistically, exercise is commonly associated with weight loss and guilt-inspired motivation. And while this may incentivize us to get on that elliptical for a couple of miles or join a local gym, after a while that elliptical becomes a very expensive clothing rack and the gym pass starts collecting dust.

When change is inspired by negative motivation, it simply doesn’t last. 

Currently, the workout DVDs and online videos that are available to us are ones that encourage us to move in order to burn calories, to feel the fat melt away or to “make up” for eating at the family BBQ yesterday.

But that’s silly. We should be working out because we feel good when we do.

The #FitJewessDVD Solution

When I realized that there is no body positive fitness dvd created by and for Jewish women in existence, I decided that it’s time for that to make one.

Because when we change why and how we exercise, our feelings towards working out change as well and health takes on a whole new meaning. 

It’s time to focus on the beneficial aspects of physical movement. And this DVD does exactly that!

This DVD has four completely different workouts so you’re not tied to one specific mode of exercise and you’ll hear talk of strength, energy and body confidence instead of weight loss, burning calories and fat melting away.

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Why You Should Partner with Us

Trying to convince yourself to go work out when you know you should, but really don’t want to is an uncomfortable place to be in. It’s quite likely that you or someone you know has been in that very spot. And that’s not fun.

This DVD aims to replace that “blah” feeling with an excitement for working out.

By partnering with us and helping bring this DVD from idea to reality, you have the opportunity to help hundreds of Jewish women finally recognize the true importance of why we work out (to feel good!) and to discover the joy of movement (woohoo!).

This concept is starting to gain traction in the secular world and now is your time to be a trendsetter in the Jewish world. We deserve this as much as anyone else!

So, How You Can Partner with Us

Alright, so we’ve established that you should collaborate with us and the cool thing is that actually following through is super easy.

We’d like to invite you to contribute to our campaign by checking out the reward options on this page and finding the one that most resonates with you. From simply donating a few dollars to co-producing the DVD, there’s something for everyone.

Sharing this campaign is incredibly helpful too. Every pair of eyes that this campaign is presented to is another potential partner and that’s invaluable. Shoot your friend a text message, send your friend an email, let your social media network know that you support us.

And of course, there’s always room on our team for that special someone who is passionate about body positivity and fitness and wants to help us take this project to the next level. Just contact us and we’ll make our partnership official.

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Where the Funds Go

The $18,000 that will be raised will be used to fund the production of the body positive DVD.

  • Video production is no joke and the companies I’ve discussed working with range from $7,500-24,500. Yup, it’s quite a range, but obviously, the higher our budget, the better quality the product. We’d definitely prefer to go with the more expensive option as we believe you deserve a top notch DVD, so our hope is that we will exceed our current goal and reach our stretch goal of $30,000.
  • Beyond production costs, we have to pay the people who are working intently on all the behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as the real life models (read: the regular superwomen who you will see in the video). This adds up to about $4,500.
  • Additionally, we’ve got the actual product costs (such as the DVD itself, the DVD case, shipping costs – just because we give it to you, doesn’t mean we don’t have to pay it!) which we’re estimating will total approximately $2,000.
  • And lastly, we must account for processing fees as well. That shouldn’t be more than $1,600.

The Team

Obviously, this project is no one-(wo)man show, so here’s some of the awesome women who’ll be participating in the production of this DVD.

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Sara Kupfer

Hey! I’m Sara, CrossFit L1 Trainer and founder of Fit Jewess. I get an actual high from lifting weights and helping my clients discover how amazingly capable their bodies are! I think it’s time to bring back body positive movement to the Jewish community and there’s no better time than now! In other news, I love to talk, enjoy meeting new people and can easily make conversation with a wall. Oh, and I’m very ambitious and always up for a good challenge, be it physical or intellectual.

Nomi Laio

Hi! I’m Nomi. I’m a personal trainer. I have always loved encouraging people to get out there and MOVE. Exercising has so many benefits because our bodies were made to constantly move and get stronger. Let’s embrace that and take advantage of all those benefits! As Jewish women, it’s really important to take care of ourselves and feel good so that we can properly fulfill our important roles! I also enjoy baking yummy sourdough bread for my friends and community.

Tirtsa Quinn

Hi! I’m Tirtsa, wife, mother, speech-language pathologist, teacher and newfound exercise nut! I’m honored to be a part of a proud chain of Jewish women who want to influence the next generation to be healthier people; spiritually, emotionally and physically. I enjoy finding ways to be able to care for my body so that it functions optimally, can perform everyday functions with ease, can enjoy more brisk exercise without feeling like I’m dying.

Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.
No new updates
Dr. Berzow
"Thank you for your important work in the world!"
Donna Karmel
Daphne Price
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Hinda Schneider
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"You should have immense hatzlocha and brocha. I’m so inspired by you!"
Marion Blinkoff
"Hatzlacha Raba Sara!"
Daniel and Rachel Margolies
"In honor of he amazing work Ms. Kupfer does for our Toras Emes girls!!"
SR Bloom
"Go Sarah!"
Anonymous donor
"I would like to dedicate my health to my daughters so I can always be there for them"
Lyndsay Swann
Anonymous donor
Chana Esther Fogel
Anonymous donor
Nehama Lantos
Zeecy Schuler
Ita leah
"Sara! Keep up your great work!"
Leah Kanner
"Hatzlacha Rabbah Sara!"
Anonymous donor
Tziporah Kasten
Shiffy Ochs
"Love you Sara! Looking forward to the end product!"
Dorfman Family
"Go Sarah!"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"Good luck Sara!"
Anonymous donor
Mpls Kupfer's
Anonymous donor
"So proud of u!"
Anonymous donor
"To a generation of strong Jewish women, both inside and out!"
Anonymous donor
"Good Luck, Sara!"
Anonymous donor
Guess Who?!
"You're the Best! Go Sara Go!"
"You never cease to amaze me!"
"You can do it!"
Anonymous donor
Jenna maio
"What a wonderful idea!"
Dahlia Rosenberg
"Proud of you Tirtsa!"
Anonymous donor
"Keep it up!!"
Anonymous donor
"Wishing you so much success with this project! Your vision and mission are so inspiring. We know you will help so many women and are so proud of you!!!! MAZEL tov!"
Rochel Kupfer
"Sara! Hatzlocha and Bracha! Way to go!"
Yaffi L'vova, RDN
"To body positivity!"

This campaign deals with:

Film & Music | Health & Wellness | Jewish Communities

Empower Jewish Women through Body Positive Fitness (DVD)

$1,816   raised
GOAL: $18,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Sara Kupfer

I’m Sara Kupfer, CrossFit L1 Trainer and founder of Fit Jewess. I approach fitness from a body positive, weight neutral perspective and love helping others discover the physical strength that they never knew they had!

  • Thank you!
    4 claimed

    You are now a part of an exciting and revolutionary change in our community. Thank you for helping us introduce body positive fitness to Jewish women!

  • To Life!
    13 claimed

    You will have online access to the Fit Jewess Body Positive Workout DVD so that you can easily and quickly access an awesome workout from the comfort of your home - or wherever else you are!

  • To sweat!
    15 claimed

    For your contribution, you will get your very own signed copy of the Fit Jewess BOPO Workout DVD delivered to your doorstep, plus online access. Get ready to get sweaty!

  • To friends!
    4 claimed

    You know that one person who would absolutely love this? Now's your chance to surprise her with this gift so she doesn't have to keep borrowing yours! This includes a signed DVD for both you and her (as well as access to the online version for both of you).

  • To strength!
    1 claimed out of 36 available

    Twelve Weeks Stronger is a twelve week (duh!) fitness package that provides you with physical movement programming and nutrition guidelines so that you can really take your health and fitness to the next level! Just like the DVD - which you will also be receiving - this program is scaleable for all ages and fitness levels. This e-book, sent to you at the close of the campaign, will set the stage for an entirely new body positive approach to fitness. But don't let the "newness" of it scare you; it's awesome!

  • To recognition!
    2 claimed out of 24 available

    This is your chance to share a message with the world recognizing a "woman of strength" in your life. You get to write a 160 character note that will be published in the DVD credits for posterity! And of course you also get the signed DVD, online access and Twelve Weeks Stronger program.

  • To appreciation!
    0 claimed

    If you are a nutritionist, dietitian, eating disorder therapist or health coach, this Professionals Package of 12 DVDs is for you. It's the perfect gift for your loyal clients, or you can just resell it for the full $36. Your call.

  • To comfort!
    0 claimed out of 18 available

    With this contribution, you will also receive the coolest workout gear that's functional and super comfortable - a skirt/leggings combo of your print choice and size designed by Faithline Clothing Co! And that's on top of the signed DVD, online access, Twelve Weeks Stronger and Woman of Strength Credit Note.

  • To fun with friends!
    0 claimed out of 6 available

    To fun with friends! Fitness parties are a great way to destress after a long day and this gets you and five friends your very own private party with me! Not only that, but you will also get the Twelve Weeks Stronger program and each party participant will receive their own copy of the DVD. (Does not include travel to areas outside of Los Angeles.)

  • To honor!
    0 claimed out of 4 available

    There are four different workouts in this DVD and this is your opportunity to name one of them in honor of or in memory of a special woman. Plus there's the signed DVD, online access and Twelve Weeks Stronger program that comes with this contribution.

  • To partnership!
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    Going all in is no joke, and your commitment to empowering Jewish women makes you deserving of the title Co-Producer of the Fit Jewess Body Positive Workout DVD.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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