E-mail: 8359984@gmail.com
Telephone: +972528359984
My name is Jonathan Shirazi and my wife’s name is Adi, she is only 25 years old, we live in Israel and I am an American citizen. On October 2017 our life has changed.
Mothers usually have one big prayer during their pregnancies — that nothing goes wrong and their babies are delivered healthy. However, few minutes before our baby was delivered, Adi collapsed.
All her Systems collapsed and only after 8 hours of surgery that couldn’t stop the bleeding, they had to Perform hysterectomy to save her life. she received more than 200 units of blood products. (she broke the record in Israel in donation of blood units).
The doctor came and told us she had suffered from amniotic fluid embolism, or AFE, a rare pregnancy-associated condition that has a 60 percent to 80 percent mortality rate. And that she is in ICU connected to a breathing machine and asleep.
It was shocking. After 2 months in ICU that all the doctors where hopeless she woke up! But her memory wasn’t the same, she didn’t even remember she was pregnant.
Thank god after a long rehabilitation that is still continued Adi is fine now.
Our dream was always many children, but the only way to make it come true is using a surrogate mother because she doesn’t have a womb to carry our baby.
Unfortunately, this process is very expensive (80,000$), and a young couple like us can’t afford it.
We are trying to raise money for our goal – help us to make our dream come true.