In the wake of the unimaginable events of October 7, 2023, families across Israel are facing devastation and grief. Among them is a newly widowed father and his young daughter, left to navigate life after the tragic loss of their beloved wife and mother during the Nova massacre.
This father is doing all he can to provide for his daughter, working tirelessly while she spends hours alone. The child urgently needs access to therapeutic resources, emotional support, and stability. They also face immense financial difficulties, struggling to cover even their basic needs.
As Jews, we know the value of tzedakah (charity) and the mitzvah of supporting those in need. The Torah teaches us, “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh”—all of Israel is responsible for one another. In times of suffering, we come together as a family, offering our strength to lift those who have fallen.
Israel is at war, and its people are enduring heart-wrenching hardships. This is our time to step forward with compassion, with generosity, and with action.
We need your help to provide this father and his daughter with:
- Immediate financial assistance to cover essential needs like housing and food.
- Access to therapy and counseling for the daughter to begin healing.
- Emotional and community support to help them rebuild their lives.
The Talmud reminds us, “Whoever saves one life, it is as if they have saved the entire world.” Your donation today can be that lifeline for this family, ensuring they persevere through this impossible time and move toward a future of hope and healing.
This is our duty. This is our moment. Let us honor the mitzvah of tikkun olam—repairing the world—by standing with this family and all those who are suffering.
Give today. Together, we can turn their mourning into resilience and ensure they are never alone.
Thank you for being a beacon of light in their darkest hour.