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Kabbalah Cybercube

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Kabbalah Cybercube is a journey into the multi-dimensional attributes of the individual 27 letters that make up the Hebrew alphabet.  Placing the letters on a Rubik’s cube was initially presented by Stan Tenen, research director of the Meru Foundation, as a demonstration of the symmetrical nature of the alphabet and their universal meanings.  Meru research demonstrates how the structure of the letters generates models recognizable in tradition as well as modern Physics.  The research also demonstrates how each of the letters can be displayed as universal hand gestures thus providing a path towards a common language.  The system that generates the Hebrew letters can also be applied to the Greek and Arabic alphabets.  In this app, the user navigates to any of the cubelets containing a letter.  We enter a room in which each of the six walls contains information in an informative, educational, and entertaining manner.  Please watch the video for a demonstration.

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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Kabbalah Cybercube

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