Help All Jews Keep Shabbat With Providing Meals

$53   raised
GOAL: $2,500



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The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.

What do we want to do?

When i first arrived to Israel every Shabbat i was getting set up with families for Shabbat meals. Living in Jerusalem for the past year and a half I’ve met many people who couldn’t get set up with meals for a number of reasons. Couldn’t get to the meeting spot because they lived to far or they didn’t qualify.

It made us think how can we help every Jewish person keep Shabbat and help get them kosher meals? 

Families, singles, or couples K&G wants to provide Shabbat meals for the upcoming Shabbat. We will use all donations received to purchase all kinds of Kosher foods. We are still in the process of either choosing to cook meals for the families or just purchasing all the ingredients. Once we begin we are going to talk to the families and ask them for there opinions and what would be best for them.

K&G will provide families with all the challahs necessary for hamotzi, wine or grape juice for kiddush, and all meals for Shabbat night and Shabbat Day. Appetizer, main course and dessert including beverages. Our menu will be filled with delicious kosher ingredients.

Why are we doing this?

Our goal is to help every Jew in the world keep Shabbat.

Qué hacemos?

Proporcionamos comidas de Shabat para familias, solteros y parejas que por cualquier motivo no tienen suficiente dinero para comprar comida para el próximo Shabat. Utilizaremos todas las donaciones recibidas para comprar todo tipo de alimentos Kosher. Ofrecemos algunas opciones, como comprar todos los ingredientes y simplemente agregar instrucciones y recetas si la familia lo solicita de esa manera o ayudar a cocinar con nuestros voluntarios. Proporcionaremos a las familias todos los Jalá necesarios para Hamotzi, y el vino o jugo de uva para Kidush, y todas las comidas para la noche de Shabat y el día de Shabat. Aperitivo, plato principal y postre que incluye bebidas. Nuestro menú estará lleno de deliciosos ingredientes kosher de todo tipo de guarniciones, pescado, sopa, pollo, chocolate, postres como helados, pasteles y mucho más. Queremos que todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas disfruten de Shabat y se conecten con Hashem en el día tan especial que recibimos como nación.

¿Por qué estamos haciendo esto?

Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a todos los judíos del mundo a guardar Shabat.

Support this cause and make a difference

The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.
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Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Alice Abolafia
"Shabbat Shalom!"

Help All Jews Keep Shabbat With Providing Meals

$53   raised
GOAL: $2,500



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Jerusalem District, Israel

To learn more check out K&G Facebook page

  • help provide challahs & grape juice
    2 claimed out of 100 available

    Help provide the Mitzvahs of Grape Juice and Challah for Shabbat night meal and Shabbat day

  • Help a single
    0 claimed out of 10 available

    Help provide a single for Shabbat night meal and Shabbat day meal

  • Help a couple
    0 claimed out of 10 available

    Help provide a couple for Shabbat night meal and Shabbat day meal

  • Help a Family
    0 claimed out of 10 available

    Help provide a family for Shabbat night meal and Shabbat day meal

  • Help A BIG Family
    0 claimed out of 10 available

    Help provide a large family of 6 or more for Shabbat night meal and Shabbat day meal

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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