Help reveal Layers of Meaning in Rashi’s Torah commentary

$225   raised
GOAL: $23,000

88 days to go



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     Everyone knows at least a little bit of Rashi’s commentary on the Torah. That knowledge, however, is often very superficial. Even scholars who are masters of Gemara and halacha often use Rashi’s Torah commentary as little more than a convenient reference, rather than as a profound work in its own right.

     Layers of Meaning is a book that introduces the reader to the world of serious exploration of Rashi’s commentary. The reader will be introduced to some of the following questions, and will learn some of the methods that great scholars throughout the generations have used to answer them:

*What are the true sources of Rashi’s comments?

*What were some of the “rules” that guided Rashi, and how can we understand why sometimes Rashi seems to have ignored those rules?

*How can we understand the inner dynamics of some of Rashi’s longer comments?

*What can we legitimately conclude from Rashi’s silence about some verses?

*How did Rashi decide where to place his comment if it was relevant to two different verses?

*When did Rashi limit himself to the absolute simple meaning of the verse in front of him, and when–and why–did he go beyond this boundary?

*How can we explore the ethical-philosophical-spiritual ramifications of Rashi’s comments–while staying true to a straightforward interpretation of his words?

These are just some of the layers of meaning that are uncovered in my new book, Layers of Meaning: Exploring the Roots and Ramifications of Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah.

My book has been accepted by a major Jewish publisher, but I need your assistance. The cost of publication is over $20,000.







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Help reveal Layers of Meaning in Rashi’s Torah commentary

$225   raised
GOAL: $23,000

88 days to go



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Layers of Meaning: Exploring the Roots and Ramifications of Rashi's Commentary on the Torah

Jonathan (Yochanon) Joseph is the author of several books about Rashi's commentary on the Torah: "Directions in Rashi" (Feldheim, 2018), Hakol Bi'chtav (2015), Hamikraos al Sidram, Derech Hamelech (2023). All of these books aim to reveal various facets of the greatest of all Torah commentaries, Rashi. Many of the ideas in these books are discussed in the podcast Directions in Rashi, available on Spotify and other venues ( Jonathan Joseph is a retired yeshiva and NYC public school educator. He dedicates most of his time to learning, writing, lecturing for the Livnos seminary (, helping his wife, and enjoying his grandchildren.

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