Debrah was raised in Europe by Israeli parents and then moved to the United States. Her first husband left her – and the country – with two small kids and a determination to turn her life around. She found solace and strength in Judaism. She began attending synagogue, observing Shabbat, and keeping a kosher home. Although she had grown up with almost no observance at home, she felt at home in Jewish life.
She was determined to get remarried and build a bigger Jewish home. An fell in love with an Israeli man who promised to be a devoted and loving husband and raise her two children as his own. She moved to Florida and began a new life there. She enrolled her children in Jewish Day School with the help of scholarships, and was soon pregnant with her third child.
Sadly even after two giving birth to two lovely children, he showed her continuous disrespect and abuse. He hit her, yelled at her and insulted her. When she complained it only got worse. She was resolved that maybe this was her future, and she should accept it.
Then he stopped coming home at night and overdrew the bank account. She ran out of food, diapers, and wipes. She could not get her kids to the Jewish day school because she had no credit card and no credit left on Lyft.
When I spoke with her, the children had a bag of stale bagels and rice to eat.
In addition to helping her pay rent, electricity, water, buy basic food staples, diapers, and Lyft credits, she needs to buy the children some clothing and a new stroller.
We are also looking for the donation of a car, and finding her free legal help.