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Teaching about the Mikdash is like Building the Mikdash

$0   raised
GOAL: $20,000



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
 The Mikdash Educational Center’s mission is raising the consciousness of the Holy Temple’s integral part of in Jewish religion, history, and culture. The two Holy Temples in Jerusalem which stood for over 800 years were the major national and spiritual centers of the Jewish people and a major world landmark. After being destroyed almost 2000 years ago the significance of the Temple and the knowledge of the service have gradually been diminished. The Mikdash Educational Center is committed to educating and rekindling the spiritual and national connection between Jewish people and the Temple and to disseminate experiential Temple education, in Israel and throughout the world.In our new premises in Jerusalem, we have established a Beit Midrash Mikdash, a Holy Temple Study Center to compliment the traditional programs that are implemented in schools, synagogues, and community centers in Israel and throughout the world
bridge shul 1


The experienced educational staff is made up of experts in both formal and informal educational with extensive knowledge of the Temple, Bible, and Jewish history. This staff is augmented each year with dedicated women doing their National Service.


Through the use of illustrations, and models of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and Mikdash (Holy Temple) in addition to garments, tools, vessels, and many other educational tools we have successfully brought the Temple experience alive and has exposed tens of thousands of participants to Temple education.

Nevertheless, the financial participation of the target groups does not have the ability to fully fund our activities. We have been approached by many financially struggling schools and communities that are not  able to receive this special opportunity because of lack of funds. With your support of we seek to expand the base to include those who are not able to afford the programs and to develop new innovative methods of teaching.

Steve Frankel
Director- Mikdash Educational Center

Mesivta Lubavitch

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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Teaching about the Mikdash is like Building the Mikdash

$0   raised
GOAL: $20,000



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Campaign by
Mikdash Educational Center
Jerusalem District, Israel

The Mikdash Educational Center is a non-profit educational and religious organization. The Mikdash Educational Center is dedicated to rekindling the flame of the Mikdash in the hearts of the entire Jewish population through formal and experiential education.Using innovative methods including a special 1:50 scale model of the Second Mikdash that is built together with the audience as part of the learning process. The North American branch of HaMidrasha Leyeda HaMikdash has been spreading Mikdash education in North America for the last three years and we are prepared to reach the entire Jewish population in North America with the same outstanding unique programs relating to the Beit Hamikdash that have been such a success throughout Israel for the last 25 years.

, Jerusalem

  • Mishkan
    0 claimed

    The first Mikdash, built in the Desert by Shivtei Yisrael (the Tribes of Israel)

  • Gilgal
    0 claimed

    The Mishkan rested at Gilgal, near Yericho, for the 14 years that it took for Joshua to capture Israel

  • Shilo
    0 claimed

    The Mishkan rested at Shilo for 369 Years, during the time of the Judges

  • David HaMelech (King David)
    0 claimed

    David was shown where and how to build the Mikdash, but was not allowed to build it

  • Shlomo
    0 claimed

    Shlomo built the first Mikdash that lasted 410 years

  • Ezra and Nechemia
    0 claimed

    Ezra and Nechemia returned with the Babylonian exiles to build the second Mikdash

  • Yechezkiel (Ezekiel)
    0 claimed

    Ezekiel prophesized about the future Third Temple, bigger and great that all the Temples.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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