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Help us build a New Mikvah!

$0   raised
GOAL: $190,000



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Wellington, New Zealand is the southern most capitol in the world! We have a strong and vibrant Jewish community that is growing! We service over 300 kilometers with our Mikvah and tourists from around the globe. We are in dire need of a New Mikvah.


Our Mikvah is ancient and was built over 40 years ago! it is in severe disrepair. We are unable to keep the water heated, it is in a unsafe location and not safe to access at night. The stairs are crumbling, there is no filtration of cleaning that has been set in place. We have had reports of disgust and illness have not wanted to even use the Mikvah and some have even stopped coming! Taharat Hamishpacha is such a crucial Mitzvah central to Jewish life, so much so that if one had to build a shul or a Mikvah, they are required to build the Mikvah first.

We provide the only Mikvah for most of New Zealand! People fly in from over 300 kilometers away to use our Mikvah.

My Husband and I moved here to be the Rabbi and Rabbanit of Wellington. Our job literally consists of everything about Jewish life from the cradle to the grave. To have a continuity of Jewish life we need a working Mikvah.

We have fallen in love this wonderful community. We were shocked to see that one crucial element is dissapearing. Religious families. Young families . Jewish life in New Zealand especially religious life is not easy. Having a working Mikvah is the first step to change this.


I literally cried the first time I saw the Mikvah. How can we promote a Jewish life or teach about Taharat Hamishpacha with  mikvah that is  that is in such disrepair and a health risk?!


Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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This campaign deals with:

Jewish Communities

Help us build a New Mikvah!

$0   raised
GOAL: $190,000



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Campaign by
Wellington Jewish Community Center
, New Zealand

The Wellington Jewish Community Centre recently celebrated 175 years since the first Shabbat Service was held in February 1843. Since then, it has grown to become the backbone of Jewish life in the capital of New Zealand, enriching Jewish observance and social life with services ranging literally from cradle to grave, starting with circumcisions and naming ceremonies, a kindergarten and youth groups, family services and adult education, helping the elderly, and sponsorship of the Chevra Kadisha burial society.

  • Building our Future
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    Your generous contribution literally helps us physically build the Mikvah

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