Mikvah for Wellington!

$133,427   raised
GOAL: $130,000



Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

This campaign is currently closed.

One of the most important Jewish rituals is Taharat Hamishpacha, the laws of family and ritual purity. This mitzvah helps us to rejuvenate and refresh ourselves from the every day struggles and challenges of life. But without your help, our small, yet mighty Jewish congregation in Wellington, New Zealand will be unable to provide the clean, safe, and inviting mikvah that every Jew who comes here deserves!

Our current mikvah is over forty years old and in such severe disrepair it has become a health risk to our community. The mikvah is a barely functional and unsafe facility located inside a parking garage off of a dark alley. We are unable to keep the water heated, the stairs are crumbling, and there is no cleaning filtration system set in place. It is therefore no surprise that many people in our community have stopped coming altogether! We cannot stand by and watch as our community dwindles. This campaign has a matching grant of $18,000 from an anonymous donor. Help us get there! 

Our Mission

Here at Wellington Jewish Community Centre, we are determined to provide the Jewish spaces that our community needs. This begins with building and maintaining a new mikvah. It is critical for the spiritual needs of Jewish men and women, and the observance of the laws of family purity that have been part of the Jewish life since the time of the patriarchs and matriarchs. Some great rabbis have even held that the existence of a mikvah is so important that a Jewish community is required to construct a mikvah even before building a synagogue, and must go to the extreme of selling Torah scrolls or even a synagogue if necessary, to provide funding for its construction.

The WJCC provides the only mikvah for most of New Zealand! People fly in from over 300 kilometers away to use our Mikvah. Our job is to be there for our community and help maintain everything about their Jewish lives from the cradle to the grave. The continuity of Jewish life in New Zealand is dependent on a working Mikvah. As it is, religious life is not easy for those in our country. But young Jewish families and Jewish life in general is counting on us to keep Jewish life alive in our community. Having a working Mikvah is the first step in the right direction.

How You Will Help

The money we raise in this campaign will provide a new mikvah facility. One that is a cleaner, more sustainable and provides the community with positive experience. The new mikvah will include separate entrances and privacy for women, wall-to-floor tiles, a safety rail, unlimited piping-hot water and wheelchair access. We will utilize rainwater catchment from the existing synagogue roof structure in order to conserve water. All this and more will help create an inviting mikvah to encourage the observance of important mitzvot.

But your support of our project goes well beyond just the physical aspects of the mikvah. It goes well beyond simply providing our community with a clean, safe and desirable place to continue their practice of halacha. 

Your impact:

  • The mikvah will act as an ignition for strengthening our Jewish community. It will spark creation of an eruv, a kosher cafe, and finally a Jewish school.
  • Young families are leaving our community. You will give them a reason to stay and grow our community and Jewish presence in New Zealand.
  • A strong Jewish community will welcome those who don’t attend shul and are looking for Jewish connections.
  • We will be able to expand membership, especially for people considering moving to Wellington from around the globe.
  • The mikvah is a required step in the process of conversion. We need to give all people in NZ the opportunity to join our community if that is what their heart desires!

The location of the Mikvah within the Wellington Jewish Community Centre has been carefully considered and the new location has been deemed suitable.


Who We Are

Wellington, New Zealand is the southernmost capital city in the world! The Jewish Community in Wellington is a small and vibrant community, with an active board, consistent membership and a relatively active mikvah for its size. The mikvah reaches Jewish couples from all around Wellington, the Hutts, Masterton, and even as far as Nelson and Christchurch, as well as tourists from around the globe. Our community centre was built in the early 1970’s and has always had a functioning mikvah as we have always recognized the importance of this mitzvah. Five months ago, Rabbanit Rachel and Rabbi Tal became the leaders of the WJCC congregation.

Rabbanit Rachel is a mother to all daughters! She is a doula and Lamaze childbirth educator and children’s book author. Rachel is a native of Colorado who made aliyah as a teenager while backpacking the world. As Amiel/Strauss graduates Ariel and Rachel have been involved in outreach in Canada at the village shul Aish Hatorah, as well as in Israel at livnot U libanot.

Rabbi Tal learned in a Hesder Yeshivat Ha Golan and trained through Amiel/Strauss. Being a teacher of religious studies and youth Rabbi for many years prepared him for the position as Rabbi of the Wellington Jewish Community. Rabbi Tal is an avid sports fan and guitarist who has a masters degree in business and marketing. He is a friendly, outgoing, and musical Rabbi who has quickly formed strong relationships with his new community.

Words of Support From Our Community

Already, we have applications for new membership from the UK, South Africa, Canada and even Israel, and the WJCC is looking to expand its membership by at least 20-30 families in the next 2-5 years. This is a crucial need for the community, that has been depleted from members since the 1990’s.

If our mikvah could be made to be safer, cleaner, warmer and more aesthetically appealing, I think there’d be a much higher chance of local women participating in at least this aspect of Taharat Mishpacha, and a positive experience here may open minds to further observance. The few members with a vested interest in the mikvah restoration have been regularly donating what they can to the Restoration Fund, but at the current rate of collection and considering the cost involved, we will be lucky if our grandchildren see a restored mikvah! Please help our community to beautify this essential mitzvah.

…[this] small community, which has existed for now 177 years, continues to punch way above its weight. Our kehilla has regular services, children’s education programs, chevra kadisha, youth groups, a kindergarten, a Holocaust centre, shechita, kosher certification, kosher deli and a wonderful vibrant community centre. Our community remains strong and cohesive despite its small size.”

“Nachas, because we have recently engaged an exceptional rabbinic couple who have brought astounding energy and enthusiasm to the job. Their passion has captivated the congregation.”

“A practising surgeon by day, I and my family have always been heavily involved in community affairs, as I was on the Board of Management for 17 years and president of the Wellington Hebrew Congregation for six years. I assure you that the mikveh project will be run competently by our designated team. We have established a separate bank account for the project. All funds will be deposited into an account separate from the shule’s current account and the work will be performed by professional tradesmen. Our committee will meet regularly and keep the management of the project and the building programme under close scrutiny. I have no hesitation in reassuring you that the project is a viable, essential, and prudent undertaking to ensure the vitality of our kehilla. We are passionate and determined it will succeed. Thank you for taking the opportunity to assist us in the observance of this mitzvah.”–Gary Stone MBChB, FRACS

Every community Rabbi and Rebbitzin seeks to promote Taharat Hamishpacha within their respective community, with potential converts and with its tourists and visitors. Building a new mikvah is a crucial first step in creating a sustainable Jewish infrastructure in Wellington. It will enhance the current mikvah experience of New Zealand Jews, and it is vital in order for the Rabbi and Rebbitzin to promote Family Purity in the WJCC community.


Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

This campaign is currently closed.

More Ways to Learn About this Cause

  • August 8, 2019 9:23 pm

    We have raised all the money except for the last final amount! We only need 30,000! That is it! (The jewcer number on the link does not reflect private donations we are actually at 160,000!!!)
    Please share! We are almost there!

  • April 8, 2019 1:40 pm

    We are now being backed by Keren Mikvaot Worldwide! This is very exciting news!

Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Ben Ari
"Wonderful project. Hope you get to the funding level required"
Lara & Nathan Phillips
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Sue Boyde
Anonymous donor
"We are wishing the Jewish community in wellington success and to build a proper kosher Mikvah!"
André Baruch
"Wishing the community much Mazal with this venture"
"לכל היהודים המקדישים עצמם למען הכלל"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"In the merit of zivug hagoon for Pinhas Nehemia ben Sharon"
Anonymous donor
Lenny and Glenna Ross
"In honor of Ari Ross, a resident of Wellington."
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Alberto e Michele Diwan
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Eileen Rosenbaum
"Get a good dip"
Anonymous donor
Lorne Schachter
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
emily and andrew fuchs
Martin Schwab
Anonymous donor
Melissa Weintraub
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Kevin Chu
Leah Morgan Silverman
Brian johns
"Mozel tov for the good work you are doing."
Josh Brown
Yael and Storm Gezentsvey
Desiree Gezentsvey
Rachel Cohen
Adinah & Aaron Frenkel
"Dear Josh and the Wellington Jewish Community, We hope you grow from strength to strength. Keep up the good work! JOsh, looking forward to seeing you in June!"
Jacob & Sharon Bichachi
Tamar Solnik
Judith Boock
"This is a great project ensuring the best for WJCC for years to come."
Marlene Levine
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Sharon Cohen
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"I have many fond memories of my time with the Wellington Jewish Community and wish all the members all the very best in raising the money needed for this mikvah."
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"We live in Israel and have a holy New Zealand-raised neighbor who shows us how special the New Zealand Jewish community is! Hatzlacha Rabba!"
Michael Sedley
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"Looking forward to visiting Wellington. Good luck with this project."
Anonymous donor
"We love Rachel and Ariel!"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Deb Levy
"With love from Auckland and the Jewish Women's Learning groups in the North and East!"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Marjorie Mendelson
Luppens Family
Abby Spilg-Harris
Anonymous donor
Wacks Family
Shmuel and Elana Soroka
"What amazing project Ariel and Rachel! You guys are an inspiration!"
Celia Feder
"In appreciation of Ed Truitt"
Avraham and Rachel Trugman
"b'hatzlacha Rabbah!!"
Shauna W
"Wishing the Wellington community hatzlacha! Tizku l'mitzvos!"
Avigail and Aryeh Wiseglass
"Wishing you guys much success in this great project."
Anonymous donor
Paula Leven and Ed Truitt
Anonymous donor
Abe and Madi Truitt
"With love from Abe and Madi"
Rachel and Ariel Tal
Council for Jewish Women of New Zealand

Mikvah for Wellington!

$133,427   raised
GOAL: $130,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Wellington Jewish Community Center
, New Zealand

The Wellington Jewish Community Centre recently celebrated 175 years since the first Shabbat Service was held in February 1843. Since then, it has grown to become the backbone of Jewish life in the capital of New Zealand, enriching Jewish observance and social life with services ranging literally from cradle to grave, starting with circumcisions and naming ceremonies, a kindergarten and youth groups, family services and adult education, helping the elderly, and sponsorship of the Chevra Kadisha burial society.

  • “Kiwi” (New Zealander)
    3 claimed

    Even just a small contribution can help all of us “kiwis” and transplants to grow and develop this Jewish community in Wellington, New Zealand!

  • “Chur” (Thanks)
    16 claimed

    Thank you for taking the time to make our community a stronger and more vibrant Jewish place!

  • “Mate” (Friend)
    12 claimed

    Your decision to support us on this journey will forever be ingrained in our hearts. Thank you, mate!

  • “Hīperu” (Hebrew)
    4 claimed

    In Maori, the word for Hebrew is Hīperu. The Hebrew language has been able to connect us from generation to generation. Today, we can celebrate our diverse backgrounds around the globe. Help us continue this diversity of Jewish life!

  • “Ka Pai” (Good work)
    2 claimed

    We are so grateful for your support. We promise to do good work for our community and build the most beautiful mikvah this community deserves!

  • “Mana” (Respect)
    4 claimed

    Our Jewish world is growing. Thanks to people like you, we can continue to grow in our part of the world.

  • “Whānau” (Family)
    2 claimed

    Your incredibly generous donation is a gift to us and our future generations. Thank you for joining our community, and being a part of our family.

  • “Aroha” (Love)
    3 claimed

    We cannot put into words how thankful we are for your generosity and display of love. We appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts!

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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