Funds are being raised for community organizing, promotion and outreach, future projects (e.g. curriculum for schools), and a modest stipend for Neuriel Shore to oversee and implement.
There is so much value in individuals and communities connecting to the transformative power of Sefirat Ha’Omer. Thankfully, there are many tools and resources available, but no movement to tie it all together in a cohesive way. The Omer Aliyah (TOA) meets people where they are at — spiritually and geographically — to enable them to have a meaningful 7-week journey of growth and clarity. Offerings include an e-Guidebook, weekly emails, WhatsApp group, complimentary virtual seminars with seven Spiritual Guides, and more. Regarding communities, founder Neuriel Shore, serves as a sort of “consultant” for ways in which they can bridge their community to TOA specifically and Sefirat Ha’Omer in general. Communities are provided with a promotional video, templated blurbs, and a flyer. In order to publicize TOA, funds are needed for an advertising budget, promotional cards, posters, banners, and more.
Zooming out, the journey of Sefirat Ha’Omer is the journey from slavery to true freedom. The Exodus from Egypt, via the Passover story, was just the liberation from bondage. It’s the 7-week period of spiritual preparation and refinement that culminates with the holiday of Shavuot and the Jewish people embracing their national mission. The Omer Aliyah has the power to help fundamentally change the the Jewish people’s relationship to both holidays and the seven weeks which bridge them. Nachmanidies actually referred to this period as one long Chol Ha’Moed.
On an individual level, we all experience blockages that prevent us from realizing our dormant potential and greatness. The self-empowerment industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry with millions of people involved. Coaches like Tony Robbins and others are using transformative practices to reach people across the world. Our people are a civilization of wisdom containing the deepest oceans of Torah, and which address all facets of the human condition. Through the journey of Tikkun HaMiddot (character refinement), TOA streamlines, packages and delivers this holy material with a ribbon on top.
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