Passage to Israel International Tour

$671   raised
GOAL: $15,000



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Passage to Israel~

Accurately portraying the beauty and diversity of Israel.

Counteracting the widely distributed false BDS images.

Illuminated through the lenses of Israeli photographers.


Almond trees Yehoshua Poch


Why is this critically important and relevant now?

Constant calls for boycotts and political actions against Israel are accompanied by false narratives and a deliberate misrepresentation in images. Neuroscience explains that the brain imprints that which is repetitive, whether positive or negative. This imprint determines behavior.

How this impacts Israel and Jewish peoples globally is significant.  By repeatedly and intentionally failing to portray an accurate picture of the lives of  the many types of people who live, work, love, study, and move freely throughout Israel, anti-Semitism has  soared and hatred of Israel continues to grow.

AAA A Bnei Menashe Jew from Northeast India. Laura Ben-David

The Impact.

This groundbreaking exhibition is already imprinting positive and accurate images of Israel. Showcasing the work of 20 Israeli photographers, Passage to Israel is a vital part of the solution as it presents beautiful images illustrating Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and other peoples in Israel.

We know that understanding diminishes conflicts. A quarter of all likes on Passage to Israel’s Facebook page come from Arabic peoples who are proud of Israel, affirming that the exhibition is effectively building a bridge.

Israeli artists have an opportunity to display and sell their work, and people worldwide will have an opportunity to see Israel for what this nation is: diverse and beautiful, full of joy and life.


Having debuted at Anderson Contemporary Gallery in the Financial District of NYC, Passage to Israel is currently on exhibit at the JCC of Mid-Westchester and the iconic Brownstone in downtown Manhattan.

Passage to Israel is scheduled to begin its International Tour at the esteemed Jerusalem Theater in May of this year. Passage to Israel will continue Part II in Toronto, London, Berlin, and Melbourne before returning to the U.S. cities of Los Angeles and Palm Beach.

Costs for the next 2 exhibitions are $15,000 and will be used as follows:

–         printing and display

–         an opening reception

–         marketing

AAA Mario

We’re ready to begin Passage to Israel’s International Tour so that the world can see the timeless beauty and cultural diversity of Israel. Donate now for Part I of the Passage to Israel International Tour.

For your visual pleasure, we invite you to look at these magnificent images representing the State of Israel:

Women at the Western Wall Iris Cohenian

The Passage to Israel Team

Karen Lehrman Bloch- Curator:

Ms. Lehrman Bloch is a cultural critic, a curator, and the author of The Inspired Home: Interiors of Deep Beauty (Introduction by Donna Karan; Harper Design, 2013), La Formentera: The Woodland Refuge of Juan Montoya (Monacelli, 2012), and The Lipstick Proviso: Women, Sex & Power in the Real World (Doubleday, 1995). Her essays and commentary have been featured in media such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Republic, Tablet, Slate, and Metropolis.

Kara Meyer- Curator, Israel exhibition

Kara Meyer is a classically trained pianist and arts advocate now living in Jerusalem. Meyer aims to depoliticize the conflict through the use of artistic disciplines and real-life relationships.

Yvonne Kay-Development Manager

Yvonne is an entrepreneur with a specialty in how negative imprinting impacts the neuroscience of the brain, behavior, and relationships. She served for 13 years as a trauma expert.

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Todd Slater
"Dedicated to the Hannah Bladon, the British student murdered on April 14, 2017, by an Arab terrorist on"
Carol Hasidim
Kim Dickstein
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Passage to Israel International Tour

$671   raised
GOAL: $15,000



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Passage to

Karen Lehrman Bloch is a cultural critic, a curator, and the author of The Inspired Home: Interiors of Deep Beauty (Introduction by Donna Karan; Harper Design, 2013), La Formentera: The Woodland Refuge of Juan Montoya (Monacelli, 2012), and The Lipstick Proviso: Women, Sex & Power in the Real World (Doubleday, 1995). Her essays and commentary have been featured in media such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Republic, Tablet, Slate, and Metropolis.

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