Turn Their Tears Into Joy This Purim

$216   raised
GOAL: $10,000

14 days to go



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The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.

Purim is a time of joy, generosity, and miracles—but for thousands of struggling families and elderly individuals, it can be a painful reminder of their hardships.

Instead of a festive meals, many tables are empty. Instead of laughter, there is worry. But together, we can change that.

We have just four days—Tuesday to Friday—to raise as much as possible to bring the joy of Purim to those who need it most.

With the cost of living skyrocketing and more families falling into poverty, the urgency is greater than ever. We cannot let them face Purim without hope.

Your Immediate Action Can Make All the Difference.

We have the opportunity to fulfill two mitzvot this week.

The mitzvah of Matanot L’Evyonim requires us to give directly to those in need on Purim day. This is a core part of the holiday, ensuring that every Jew can celebrate with dignity and joy. We must raise the funds NOW to make that possible.

Additionally, the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot encourages us to send gifts of food to friends and neighbors, strengthening bonds of unity and spreading happiness. By giving generously, you not only fulfill this beautiful tradition but also extend the Purim spirit to those who might otherwise be forgotten.

Purim is not just about celebration—it is about ensuring that no one is left out. The highest form of joy is lifting others up, and this Purim, you can be the reason someone smiles.

We only have four days. Will you step up today?

Your donation will directly put food on tables, bring smiles to children’s faces, and ensure that no one is forgotten this Purim.

The countdown has begun. Let’s bring the miracles of Purim to those who need them most.

**Emunah Project Inc is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-1765281. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution**

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The campaign organizer receives the funds directly. Please check campaign description or contact campaign organizer to learn if your donation is tax deductible.

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"Chag Sameach"
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Nicole Sarah Miriam Schklowski-Huber
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Turn Their Tears Into Joy This Purim

$216   raised
GOAL: $10,000

14 days to go



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Campaign by
Rav Dror & Emunah Project Inc

As a non-profit organization, Emunah Project Inc shares media across the world, spreading Torah wisdom via videos, articles, books, podcasts, and more. We share Rav Dror's priceless teachings to people from all walks of life around the globe in several languages. Our goal is to connect people with messages that will help them spiritually. We focus on empowering people to forge a stronger connection with their true selves, their souls, and ultimately the Creator. Our outreach methods are ever expanding and include lectures, live events, published books, online courses, and more. We strive to meet people where they are, online or in-person, and connect with them at their "place". The Emunah Project also helps many people in great need. Through charity work, we help our brothers and sisters who find themselves in great need. By supporting out work or partnering with us in our campaigns, together we can be HaShem's long arm of kindness and generosity.

  • Make It Happen!
    5 claimed

    Every $36 dollars gets another basic basket out to people in need. The more you give, the more bountiful the baskets and charity can be, and the more people we can help!

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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