Help with restoration of an organic community farm in the Carmel Mts. after flash flood disaster.

$2,512   raised
GOAL: $36,000



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

About us

The ShivteYah Farm is a nonprofit, organic communal farm nestled in the southern Carmel mountains, which many consider a nature home away from home. It is a centre for bio-dynamic, organic, and environmental research, aimed at the revival of ancient, Torah based agricultural traditions. The farms goal has always been to embrace diversity and provide a platform which connects Jews of all backgrounds and levels of observance to one another and to the land of Israel.

Why we are reaching out

Two winters ago, our small communal organic farm was seriously hit by a flash flood / storm.
Leading to substantial damage to farm access roads, facilities, and infrastructure.
As a result many fruit trees were uprooted, fence toppled, 2 greenhouses full of indigenous heirloom and endangered plants, farm vehicle, and water heating system… All washed away.

Any assistance will be incredibly appreciated and hopefully we will succeed to restore and rehabilitate farm facilities, so we may continue to provide positive experiences for Jewish youth and community from around the world.




Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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The Shriner Family
Michael Ibn Mizrach
"Thanks for the incredible work and gatherings you host. We LOVED our Purim holiday with you. Looking forward to many more!"
Anonymous donor
Ilene K Tamburri
"In memory of Jeffrey David Tamburri"
"Behatzlacha v’Harbeh Bracha!"
Nili and Ralph Robbins
Anonymous donor
דוד מנחם גורדון
"תודה לך דוד על כל הטוב שאתה עושה לארץ ולאנשים שבאים לחווה"
Ben Arnold
Anonymous donor
Jerry Platt
"Love everyone ❤️"
Anonymous donor
Yoel Habif
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"Love spending time by you guys."
Anonymous donor
Aliyah shoshana

Help with restoration of an organic community farm in the Carmel Mts. after flash flood disaster.

$2,512   raised
GOAL: $36,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
To Work and to Guard
Haifa District, Israel

Shalom my name is David Dreskin, I am founder of the "to Work and to Guard" , a new non-profit organization founded in Israel for the promotion of Jewish unity and use of ecological earth friendly workshop's as a means to provide a positive means towards education and rehabilitation of youth that are searching for themselves, suffering from post trauma, or seek to connect to nature and Jewish wisdom.

  • Medicinal Shrub
    1 claimed

    Donate 18$ and have medicinal herbal shrub planted in your name on the farm in the herbal Israeli medicinal garden!

  • Fig tree
    3 claimed

    Donate 36$ and we'll plant a fig tree on the banks of the river Dalyah, in honor of your generosity and for being part of this sacred cause!

  • Pomegranate Tree
    7 claimed out of 40 available

    Donate 100$ to this sacred cause and we'll plant a pomegranate tree on the farm in honor of your generosity and you will receive a surprise organic gift for being part of our project!

  • Grape vine
    1 claimed out of 50 available

    Donate up to 300$ and we'll plant a grape vine on the farm in honor of your becoming part of the creation of a space dedicated to our people and land! We will send you 2 suprise organic gifts of the land as a gesture of our gratitude!

  • Olive tree
    2 claimed out of 20 available

    Donate up to 500$ and a young olive tree will be planted in honor of your share in our visions success . You will receive a liter of pure organic Israeli olive oil to show you our appreciation!

  • Greenhouse plus
    0 claimed out of 20 available

    Donate up to 1000$ and you become a founder of the green house nursery which will eventually be able to distribute fruit trees all over Israel and become a space for roots Jewish education, gatherings and seminars! We will send you a multi suprise gifts of the land package and hand woven kippa as a sign of our gratitude!

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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