We are so overwhelmed (in the best way!) by the outpouring of love and support. You’ve confirmed our suspicions: these are trying times, and what we need now is music and action. Anything we raise above our goal will go towards:
- Making our videos and materials the highest quality they can be
- Paying all artists fairly for their time
- Spreading the word when the videos are released
- A percentage will also be donated to awesome social justice organizations, one for each video upon its release.
Why this project? Why now?
It seems like each day brings with it a new challenge to the basic and foundational rights of folks in this country. This is a tenuous time, where bigotry feels free to rise up, and we must rise up even higher. The three of us- Eliana Light, Chana Rothman, and Isaac Zones– are musicians, Jewish ritual leaders, and educators. And we asked ourselves: What can we do? How can we contribute to the fight for justice in our day?
We can sing.
We can take inspiration and strength from the texts of our sacred heritage that prophesy: change is possible.
We can utilize the beautiful human tool of singing together, that simple yet radical act that gives spirit to the individual and strength to the movement.
We can write and share songs that are easy to sing, easy to teach, and easy to use in settings from services, to pre-march gatherings, to rallies, to school: anywhere that could use a reminder of our commitment to justice.
This is our offering to you:
“Gates of Justice” by Chana Rothman. Sacred Text: Psalm 118
“Tzedek Tzedek (Rise, Arise)” by Isaac Zones. Sacred Text: Deuteronomy Chapter 16
“Towards Justice” by Eliana Light. Sacred Text: Amos Chapter 5
Three singable, shareable, soul-lifting songs, from our hearts to yours.
We’re working with the immensely talented videographer and audio artist Dino DiStefano to bring these songs to life in pictures and sound. Our filming location, Project Learn School in Philadelphia, reflects our commitment to inclusive community education.
Our goal is to make the videos of these three songs available to the public at no cost. Your contribution will help us share these songs of justice with as many folks as possible. And, you’ll be able to choose a fun perk- take a look!
Your support will make the following possible:
- Our music video series- an invitation to sing
- Teaching videos for each piece, with tips on how to share and play the songs, as well as background to their history and use of sacred text
- Chord sheets, sheet music, and source sheet guides for each song, as well as a simple website to house them all
- Compensating Dino for his incredible job filming, recording, and editing, are the bulk of our expenses
- Paying all the designers and artists involved fairly for their talent and time.
We thank you so much for giving what you can so all can listen, learn, and most importantly, sing.
In love and struggle,
Chana, Eliana, and Isaac
Digital Rewards: October 29
Video releases: October 29- November 5
Mail and Other Rewards: Late November