Join Beth Jacob’s Charity Fund as we raise $12,500 by Super Bowl kick-off to help Tiferes Malka – Hachnasas Kallah Fund of Atlanta, a division of Yad L’Yad.
More information on Tiferes Malka can be found by clicking here. This fund was set up in memory of Mrs. Malka Rosenbaum a”h. It helps needy brides and grooms in the Atlanta community with setting up their homes and basic needs for starting out their new lives.
***BIG NEWS***: Thanks to a generous donor every dollar will be matched throughout this campaign!
Here is how it works:
This is a friendly charity competition between Atlanta and Boston’s Jewish communities. Each city’s nonprofit cause must raise $12,500 by the Super Bowl kick off (6:30PM on Super Bowl Sunday) to qualify for an additional $5,000 which has been contributed by an anonymous donor. This additional sum will go to the community of the team that wins the Super Bowl and brings home the Vince Lombardi Trophy!
Click here to track the progress of our two communities.
In other words, if the Patriots win, JPULSE gets the additional $5,000. If the Falcons win, Beth Jacob Charity Fund gets the $5,000.
This $5,000 pledge will have generated a total of $30,000. Everyone wins!