In Jerusalem, around 47% of all city residents live in poverty. More than 50% of Ultra-Orthodox Jerusalemites live below the poverty line.
Religious women in Israel often provide the primary source of income for their households. They have an enthusiastic desire to further their careers, but are often presented with significant challenges. Family obligations, financial demands and inadequate technical resources can often limit their job opportunities. Women seek an appropriate working environment that will not clash with their own values. Temech is uniquely suited to handle each of these challenges with a program customized to address the needs of religious women.
Temech advances Ultra-Orthodox women’s careers through professional development, coworking, a startup accelerator, career coaching and job placement. Its JerusalemHub coworking space offers a one-of-a-kind professional setting for small business owners, freelancers and professionals who struggle to work from home, but require culturally and traditionally suitable workspace.
- Temech has created jobs for over 6,000 religious women and placed over 10,000 Ultra-Orthodox women in jobs across Israel.
- Over 15,000 women have participated in Temech’s professional training programs.
- Over 200 women utilize Temech’s hub on a monthly basis.
By training and empowering Ultra-Orthodox women, Temech touches the lives of thousands of Jerusalem’s families.
Economic Development: Organizations such as Temech generate demand and develop the city’s workforce – cultivating the future technological and bio-technological human capital of the city. Efforts propel residents with a special focus on one of the most unique and opportunistic population segments – Ultra Orthodox women – through coworking space, employer readiness and placement in careers in the high-tech sector so women can earn a living wage.
Support a robust female workforce and Leichtag Foundation will match your gift dollar for dollar up to $3,600!