Put Jerusalem on the map of Art: Contemporary Jewish Art by artists from all over the world

$2,481   raised
GOAL: $15,000



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This campaign is currently closed.

This October, make Jerusalem a world platform for Jewish Contemporary Art

This October, Jerusalem will once again join the ranks of major art centers such as New York, Berlin, Florence, London, Paris, and Venice, transforming into a vibrant, multi-dimensional celebration of contemporary art that evokes the unique, dynamic spirit of the diverse tapestry that is Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art is a stage for the creative artists from around the world, from secular to ultra-Orthodox, Jewish and non-Jewish, who are active in and relate to the Jewish world of content, provoking us to question our assumptions about what is contemporary Jewish art.

With your help we will make this Art accessible to as many people in Israel, as possible, regardless of their age, background, economic abilities and geographic location!

The 3rd Jerusalem Biennale for  Contemporary Jewish Art

October 1 through November 16, 2017

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All eyes will be on this year’s Biennale as the platform for contemporary art that embodies and expresses Jewish thought, spirit, and history. Expected to draw close to a quarter of a million people, The Jerusalem Biennale will showcase the work of nearly 200 professional artists, Israeli and international, whose work will be represented in dozens of exhibitions and installations around the capital. The Biennale offers a unique opportunity to expand the boundaries of Jewish art beyond traditional Judaica to a wider range of mediums, including photography, video art, installation and performance.

“The Jerusalem Biennale will create a space where different, even contradictory ideas of what contemporary Jewish art is can take root , grow and develop.” – Ram Ozeri, Director and Founder of Jerusalem Biennale

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This year’s theme: Watershed

This year’s Biennale focuses on Israel as a watershed – historically, geographically and politically. The theme will be expressed in issues as varied as Jewish identity, immigration, and Israeli society, and in such watershed moments in Israeli history such as the Balfour Declaration.

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Everybody should have an equal access to Art!

As the central address for art that is both contemporary and Jewish, the Biennale aims to make Jerusalem the world platform for Jewish Contemporary Art. But what is even more important for us is to give people an opportunity to experience the art and join the discourse about it! The art cannot restrict itself only to certain circles of dedicated art lovers, it should be spread out reachable to all.

This year, with your help, we want to make sure that the Biennale will be accessible to anyone who wants to  experience it, regardless of economic situation or geographic location. This includes students, seniors,  people in need, and people with disabilities – everyone!

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How You Can Help

First of all and the simplest – buy tickets for yourself, for friends, for people you care about who couldn’t otherwise attend the Biennale without your support – be it a group or institution. Order tickets in their name, and we’ll reach out to them and let them know that you covered their entrance so they, too, can have an unforgettable Art experience.

We will be reaching out to as wide an audience as possible with special promotional events and advertising, and offer special terms to people with special needs. This includes assisted access to children, seniors, Holocaust survivors, people with disabilities and low-income people, especially from the periphery of Israel. In addition, we are cooperating with the Ministery of Education to bring art classes from the schools in the periphery which cannot cover such costs by themselves, an exclusive education outreach initiative of the Biennale.

With YOUR HELP we can make it happen!

In the city of Jerusalem, home to so many cultures and ideas, it is only fitting that this Biennale become the platform for artists and visitors to share the creative atmosphere in the spirit of diversity and expression.

YehudisBarmatz-Where Rachel DwellsHelp us make the Jewish Contemporary Art more accessible to all people and put Jerusalem on the world map of Art!

All the funds raised in this campaign go directly to cover expenses for Biennale outreach  initiatives, helping us to expose the art to as wide audience as possible. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.!

About us

In 2010, Ram Ozeri, our Director and Founder, visited the Berlin Biennale 2010 and it sparked an idea – why not create a platform in Jerusalem for presenting contemporary Jewish art, long marginalized by the Israeli art world, to the general public?

At first we started as a small group of enthusiasts  to brainstorm, reach out the artists, raise money and make friends and  collaborate to create the initial platform for such event. This led to the first Jerusalem Biennale in 2013, which  featured works from 60 artists conveying distinct points of view of Contemporary Jewish Art.

Today our family includes dozens of activists and art lovers and the 3rd Jerusalem Biennale will showcase more than 200 artists, – religious and secular, established and emerging, Sephardic and Ashkenazi, from Israel, Europe, the U.S, Russia, and even India. We have also been invited to bring our exhibitions to different Jewish communities after the Biennale ends, as we did after the 2015 event, to New York, Miami and San Diego with previous works.


“Put Jerusalem on the map of Art: Contemporary Jewish Art” is being spearheaded by a member of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation network and has been awarded a matching grant. Schusterman is a global organization that seeks to ignite the passion and unleash the power in young people to create positive change for themselves, the Jewish community and the broader world. Learn more about the Foundation here.


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This campaign is currently closed.

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Anonymous donor
"Thank You Rami!"
Ira and Roberta Brenner; Gail Brenner and David Biloon
KIVUNIM Educational Programs
"In appreciation of Rami Ozeri and his work for the Jerusalem Bienniale"
Deb Davis
Anonymous donor
"good luck!!!!!!"
Anonymous donor
"Wishing the Biennale much continueed success"
Liz and Philip Shapiro
Alice Shalvi
Anonymous donor
Carey Fried
"Hope I will be able to give you good advice"
Jessica Baur
"Wishing you much success"
"Hope you will get to your 15K$ goal!!!"
Anonymous donor
"Greeat campaign."
Ben S.
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"Good luck"
Anonymous donor
Jonathan Bezalel
Jonathan Bezalel
Jonathan Bezalel
Jonathan Bezalel
Anonymous donor
"המערכת עובדת תרמתי"
Anonymous donor
"ברכה והצלחה!!!!!"

Put Jerusalem on the map of Art: Contemporary Jewish Art by artists from all over the world

$2,481   raised
GOAL: $15,000



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Campaign by
The Jerusalem Biennale

Once every two years, Jerusalem becomes a magnet for some of the most prominent contemporary Jewish artists from Israel and abroad and the people from around the world who admire and are inspired by their unique vision. The Jerusalem Biennale reveals the depth and diversity of Jewish life today, provoking visitors to continually question their assumptions of what constitutes contemporary Jewish art. For questions about this campaign or Jerusalem Biennale, please write to info@jerusalembiennale.org. All U.S. donations are tax-deductible.

  • Adviser to the Arts
    2 claimed

    Your opportunity to be part of the 'inner circle'. share your thoughts and suggestions with one of the Biennale Board Members (through the email). Thanks to you, 1 ticket will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Fan of the Arts
    2 claimed

    Reserve your ticket for you or for person you care about. Buy tickets for people who couldn’t otherwise attend the Biennale without your support.

  • Friend of the Arts
    1 claimed

    Show you care! Receive our recognition and be listed as a Friend on the Biennale Website. Thanks to you, 1 ticket will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Follower of the Arts
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    Become a follower and you will receive regular First on Biennale News updates. Thanks to you, 1 ticket will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Silver Friend
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    Receive our recognition and be listed as Silver Friend on the Biennale Website. Thanks to you, 3 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Admirer of the Arts
    1 claimed

    You'll receive our full-color Biennale 2017 Catalog, so you can take the Biennale home with you. Thanks to you, 3 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Art Enthusiast
    2 claimed

    Become part of the Jerusalem Biennale Community and receive our bimonthly newsletter, First on Biennale News & Events. Thanks to you, 3 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Art Aficionado
    2 claimed

    Share your thoughts and suggestions with one of the Biennale Board Members (through a Skype meeting or by email). Thanks to you, 3 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Art Devotee
    2 claimed

    Receive 2 tickets to Biennale 2017 and our full-color Biennale 2017 Catalog. Thanks to you, 5 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Gold Friend
    0 claimed

    You will receive a Jerusalem Biennale Golden Friend Recognition Plaque Yand your name will appear as a 'Gold Friend' on the Biennale website. Thanks to you, 5 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Community Builder
    0 claimed

    Be part of the Jerusalem Biennale Community - Receive special bimonthly Jerusalem Biennale Updates, First on Biennale News & Events, invitations to Jerusalem Biennale events throughout the year, including invitations to Closed Members' events. Thanks to you, 5 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Counselor to the Arts
    0 claimed

    Share your thoughts with one of the Biennale Board Members (face-to-face, via Skype or by email if preferred). Thanks to you, 5 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Supporter of the Arts
    0 claimed

    Receive the Biennale's Golden Friend Recognition Plaque and be listed as a Golden Friend on the Biennale Website. You will be invited to Biennale events throughout the year and to Closed Members' events. Thanks to you, 10 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Guardian of the Arts
    0 claimed

    Receive a Golden Friend Recognition Plaque and be listed as a Golden Friend on the Biennale website. As a Guardian, you can share your thoughts with one of the Biennale Board Members (face-to-face, or, if preferred, via Skype meeting or email). Thanks to you, 10 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Master of the Arts
    0 claimed

    Receive a Golden Friend Recognition Plaque and be listed as a Golden Friend on the Biennale Website. As a Master, you will be invitied to Biennale events throughout the year, including Closed Members' events and to share your thoughts with one of the Biennale Board Members (face-to-face or, if prefered, via Skype or email). Thanks to you, 10 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Benefactor of the Arts
    1 claimed

    Receive invitations to Biennale events throughout the year including Closed Members' events. As a Benefactor, you will be entitled to share your thoughts with one of the Biennale Board Members (face-to-face or, if preferred, via Skype meeting or email). Thanks to you, 10 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Sponsor of the Arts
    0 claimed

    Sponsor group of up to 25 art students from schools from the periphery or from every institute for eldery people or people with special needs.

  • Rising Tides Of The Biennale
    0 claimed

    We are so overwhelmed by your gift that we invite you as our personal guest for a private tour of the Biennale led by the Biennale Founder and Director – together with up to 19 of your friends or family. In addition to the tour you'll receive a gift of Jerusalem Biennale wine, exclusively bottled for the Biennale, a listing on the Biennale website and a commemorative plaque recognizing your contribution. You will also get Invitations to Jerusalem Biennale events throughout the year and invitations to exclusive closed members' events. You can also share ideas with Biennale board members via Skype or by email and play an active role in Biennale activities.

  • Mighty Axis Of The Biennale
    0 claimed

    May you grow from strength to strength and join our join the Circle of Patrons. Your name will be featured on pavilions, our website and the catalog! You'll receive a commemorative plaque recognizing your contribution. In addition, you will receive Invitations to Jerusalem Biennale events throughout the year and invitations to exclusive closed members' events. You can also share ideas with Biennale board members via Skype or by email and play an active role in Biennale activities. Thanks to you, 50 tickets will be added to the pool for people to attend the Jerusalem Biennale 2017.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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