I still remember the first time I heard a D’var Torah speech that left me wishing to hear more. The Torah portion was one I was familiar with. Yet the way that this rabbi shared the relevance to our lives was unique. It brought me a new connection to Judaism that I hadn’t experienced before. It taught me that every story can be seen in a meaningful light. And most of all, it taught me about the power each and every one of us can have to inspire others. All you need are the right resources and insight.
Each week, people from all kinds of Judaic and educational backgrounds are asked to give a public D’var Torah. Most Divrei Torah books currently available don’t cater to the pace of life we lead today. Their verbose nature can also be intimidating for less experienced speakers and too time consuming for more experienced speakers.
That’s why I decided to create “Torah for all Occasions”, a guide for D’var Torah that provides succinct and relevant insight. Experienced rabbis and clergy won’t have to look for hours for something pertinent and inspiring to say. And less experienced speakers will appreciate this user-friendly, starter book that will give them the confidence to inspire others.
I hope you will join me on this mission to spread high quality Torah thought to the greater Jewish community!
About the Book
“Torah for all Occasions” is a collection of relevant Divrei Torah, or “Torah thoughts,” arranged according to the weekly parsha. The content of the book touches on ideas of civility and Torah philosophy. From the experienced to the amateur, this book provides timely pieces of Torah wisdom. Whether you’re a clergyperson, a parent, or a student, “Torah for all Occasions” will be your guidebook through the rich stories and morals we all gain from reading the Torah.
As Jews, we are encouraged to ask questions, and therefore, seek out answers. The book answers the questions that Jews have wrestled with for generations. Such as: Why did G-d create the world? What makes some people turn evil? What’s the point of circumcision? Why did Jacob show favoritism to Joseph? Why was the Temple not built on Mt. Sinai?
“Torah for all Occasions” will enlighten you with insightful answers to these questions. The book guides you on a journey to discovering these answers and on the way, build and maintain your relationship to G-d and Judaism.
Each Torah reading has:
- 5 short Divrei Torah suitable for any setting
- 3 longer Divrei Torah on philosophical issues appearing in the Parasha of the Week
- A Dvar Torah suitable for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- A Dvar Torah appropriate for a Wedding or Sheva Berachos
- A Dvar Torah on the occasions of a birth or Shalom Zachar
You can see a sample of the book here.
How You Will Help
Your support will help bring the spirit of Torah and Judaism into the lives of all those who want to learn more and connect with their spiritual side. The book will make its way into the hands of a diverse array of Jews all around the world. Picture the clergyperson who wants to say something insightful and relevant at milestone events, or share a relevant insight with your congregation. Or the parent who wants to lead a more meaningful Shabbat by sharing a short d’var Torah with their family. Or the student who seeks to understand the deeper meaning behind each parasha.
“Torah for all Occassions” acts as a starting point to understand the fundamental aspects of Jewish philosophy from Torah reading. It is an essential component and aid to bring more meaning and purpose to the table when saying Divrei Torah.
My book is already approved for publication by Feldheim. In full transparency, I am sharing the amount required by Feldheim as per the contract:
-$7,850 for cover design, typesetting and pre-press work
-$4,500 for printing costs
-$2,000 for advertising
-Misc. storage costs
About Me
I am Rabbi Michael Fine, an educator in Ottawa, Canada. In 2013 I launched DafYomi4Kids, a monthly children’s magazine on the Talmud which had a successful 14 issues. I am passionate about finding innovative ways to spread Torah education. This project can help change the landscape of learning and teaching Torah, and I hope to inspire many more Jews around the world on their spiritual journey.
Your relationship to Judaism and Torah is one that evolves and builds over time. With the right guidance, you can gain the confidence and clarity you need when teaching Torah. “Torah for all Occasions” will help you maintain and strengthen your connection while inspiring those around you to do the same. Together, we can build a more fortified Jewish future as we ignite our passion for Torah.