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Our exclusive “Hall of Torah” and Shul building in Ramat Beit Shemesh היכל התורה המיוחד ברמת בית שמש

$0   raised
GOAL: $500,000



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The “Heichal Hatorah – Torah BeRama” shul with its exclusive 24/7 Torah hall brings our 3331 year old inheritance to new levels.

This building has been built only by Jews in accordance with what is said in the Sdei Chemed that how can we give the extraordinary Mitzva of building G-d’s House to non- Jews.

Our goals in setting up our special Torah community have largely been met when our large community encompasses within it a large Torah library as well as a welfare department which gives help to the needy and the poor.

We have an active Beis – Horaah with our Rabbi HaRav Yitzchok Meir Hager Shlita on call for the public at large to answer all types of Halachic questions as well as giving advice and support in all areas.

Chanuka Kollel – After candle lighting on Chanuka the Ponovezh Rov – HaRav Yosef Shlomo Cahaneman entered the study hall of what was then the largest Yeshiva in the world and said “it looks like the Yevonim [the Greeks] have won” – since they prohibited the learning of the Torah and the study hall – Beis Hamedrash was largely empty.
In order that that should not happen our Founding Gabbai – HaRav Yoav Kaplinski Shlita set up an innovative Torah program whereby Avreichim and Bochurim would receive a small monetary incentive to return shortly after candle lighting to the study hall and participate in what became known as “Kollel Chanuka”
This has since been duplicated all over the world when in Beit Shemesh itself Boruch Hashem there are numerous of these Kollel Chanuka.

We also have a Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim – [during the holiday periods] in addition to an active Kollel Erev [an evening Kollel]- these extra curricular frameworks are specifically subject free in order that each and every budding Torah scholar will be able to engross in the parts of the Torah that he wants to and if necessary review what he has learnt in other frameworks.

Another very important factor is our ladies committee After birth help which provides free meals for the entire surrounding neighbourhood irrespective of Nusach or community. This has resulted in the children of a Kimpeturin exclaiming to their mother “Mammy, when are you going to give birth again so that we will once again be able to partake of the scrumptious meals that we received.” This obviously plays a part in reducing post partum depressions when a good feeling is had by the greater family and it reduces the feelings of helplessness that new mothers can sometimes feel.

The community has always been involved in helping other institutions at the beginning of their way and has hosted a Yeshiva Ketana, and a few Kollelim amongst other things. Our dream is to be able to have numerous Kollelim sitting in our large air conditioned Beis Hamedrash which would be conducive to learning with its high ceilinged and airy study hall.

However, we are currently not able to do so since although we have started building and one of our members has even mortgaged his own house to that effect, nevertheless we do not have enough funding to be able to complete the building and we are currently using only part of the facility and even that is in a very primitive way reminiscent of the early settlers with a concrete rough floor, a leaking ceiling and very temporary bathroom facilities. enclosed are photos of the current situation and what it should look like.

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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Education & Youth | Judaism & Holidays | People in Need

Our exclusive “Hall of Torah” and Shul building in Ramat Beit Shemesh היכל התורה המיוחד ברמת בית שמש

$0   raised
GOAL: $500,000



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Campaign by
The Torah center of Heichal Hatora - Torah BeRama on Rabbi Tarfon St. #2 in Ramat Beit Shemesh
Jerusalem District, Israel

This amazing building has been built using only Jewish labor- a quite difficult feat nowadays. Has been done by the Gabbai acting as the volunteer contractor [ fee for him!!] in order to save upwards of 50% of building costs. It is open to all and has people from all backrounds and kehillot using the facility at all times.

  • 1 brick
    0 claimed

    1 brick for everlasting remembrance in a Beis Hamedrash in Eretz Yisroel

  • one Mezuza מזוזה
    0 claimed

    for one of the numerous doors throughout the complex

  • Other of the numerous items needed for a Torah Center
    0 claimed

    Do you know someone who needs a refuah shleima? A shidduch? Or perhaps a meaningful yahrtzeit is approaching? As a merit for a recovery from illness or for a departed family member you can sponsor… Please contact us to sponsor or for more information on other sponsorship opportunities.

  • 1 cubit - 1 אמה
    0 claimed

    the cost of building 1 cubit - 1 Amoh אמה in a Beis Hamedrash in the Holy Land

  • A window
    0 claimed out of 24 available

    one of the main windows of the sanctuary allowing light in and holiness to exude

  • 1 square meter
    0 claimed

    The cost of building one square meter

  • Wash station
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    The wash station at which the Kohanim and general public will wash their hands

  • Bima בימה the platform from which the Torah is read
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    built according to specifications in The Shulchan Aruch with a raised platform and 6 stairs going up on either side. It catches the attention of all who enter the synagogue as well as any photos ever taken in this well attended facility.

  • Aron Kodesh The Holy Ark ארון הקודש
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    The center of any synagogue where the Holy Torah scrolls are kept

  • The main entrance door
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    The door to enter this holy abode of G-d where all who enter or exit the Beis Hamedrash will pass through every time and will think of the one in whose memory it was donated

  • The name of the Study hall
    0 claimed out of 1 available

    The name of the current Beis Hamedrash will be given to this donor

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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